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Wills POV: honestly. The only good thing to come out of this so far is the new group channel me and the boys have made but honestly? I cant deal with this. No human contact. No outside visitors. No leaving the house. This isnt me being stir crazy...this is my mental state not coping well with the lack of allowed contact. I need to see someone. Anyone. So I called the only person I could think of right now.

"hey George.."

"Will? u dont sound too good buddy, What's wrong? ran out of video ideas again?" he says jokingly, not quite realising the state I am in

"i just...really need you here right now"

I can feel his heisitance, he wants to come over and yet-

"sorry man, I uhhh, I got a video to record" I visibly deflate.

"n-na! it's all good dude umm, just, lemme know when you are done yeah?" I cant wait for as long as I know he will take. I need him so badly, my brain is going into overdrive.

"look man, its not that I dont wanna see you it's just, I domt want thing to be akward after last time" ah! yes, last time. When he tried to kiss me. I shouldn't have pulled away. I know that now. I wish I kissed him.

"mate just please, it's fine...please come over" I plead into the phone. i need affection so badly right now..

"fine! I'll be over in 5" he sighs and hangs up, making me run my hands down my face and look down at my current position.

I'm curled up, my knees to my chest and I can feel a slight dampness to my cheeks. I'm,,,crying? I gently touch my cheek and feel the salty liquid stream down from my eyes. Fuck.

The door opens and there he is, clearly he rushed to get dressed as he is in a hoodie and some jeans, a quick throw together.

"oh Will" he crouches down to me and pulls me into a hug, I can feel his blush on my neck.

"George?" he looks at me, now is my chance. I pull him closer and look at him for permission

"yeah Will?" he doesnt stutter. But he also doesnt pull away...I'm going to do it. I crash my lips into his and I feel all my anxieties melt away, he doesnt push me away- no. He kisses back.

Quarantine is fucked- but atleast I took my chance.

heyyyyy XD so um, things happend XD aka, school kicked my ass as this year I would've done my GCSEs so yeah, that was fun XD I thought I would update this since I was bored and in the words of my bf "stop making them gay [my name]" so I made them gay XD

peace out guys ^-^ xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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