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Will's POV:

Waking up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear is not very fun. I slam my hand on to the snooze button and stretch. Reaching over on to my desk I start the hunt. After about five minutes I get out of my bed and continue looking. Okay, I'm panicking now, where are they!  I can't find my glasses anywhere. I pick up my phone and try to call George, he answers after about five rings

"Hey, whats up?"

"I've kinda, sorta, maybe, lost my glasses.." He sighs and tells me that he will be over in two minutes.


"Ok, so where did you last have them?" George questions as he puts his stuff down by the door

"on the desk by my bed but I checked there this morning and they ain't" He looks around for a second before suddenly looking into his bag

"Ah ha! found them" He pulls them out of his bag and hands them to me

"why were they there?"

"remember when you got drunk and passed out in my arms? Well I took off your glasses so you wouldn't break them and put them into my bag"

"well thank you for finding them, George"

"no problem love, always here for you: always"

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