Ali Realises He's A Tasty Snack

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Instantly, Ali blacked out.

Haha yada-yada. You're probably thinking: Really Ali? Are you seriously that weak? You barely killed a dracaena and Viktor tells you you are a demigod and you faint? What kind of demigod are you?

First of all, seeing creatures of evil - especially if they are carnivorous snake-ladies - for the first time can seriously give you a shock. Of course, you wouldn't believe a word about this because you're not in his position and this is all fictional (which is not, by the way. It's offensive when people say that Ali's fictional. Would you like it if people said you were fictional?).

Anyway, when Ali regained his consciousness, he found that he was in the school's sick bay. 

The sick bay was an air-conditioned white room so bright it stung Ali's sleepy eyes awake. Along one side of the rectangular room was a row of cabinets. Probably to store medicines, plasters and whatnot. On his left was a dark window, and on the other side, was the black-haired boy that supposedly murdered two carnivorous humanoid snakes. Or was that all a dream? He hoped so, but somewhere at the back of his mind, he knew he was only trying to hope for a lie.

Viktor had his back to him. Ali could tell from the way he stood that he was nervous. His arms were clamped to his sides, as if invisible ropes - Ali was horribly reminded of his beige yoyo - were binding him, and his fingers couldn't stop pinching his black school trousers.

"Hey," Ali said.

The black-haired boy turned around in alarming speed, and relief broke across his face.

"Ali, thank the gods!" Viktor cried, crushing him in a hug.

Ali winced with the physical contact. He wasn't used to people giving him those in a way to show affection. Usually when they did it was him being hit. And neither did Viktor shown a high liking for physical contact before this - perhaps this was just to show how worried he was.

"Hey there, buddy," Ali whimpered. "You're crushing my ribs."

Chuckling, Viktor let go of Ali and studied him warily, as if apprehensive of any damage he might have inflicted on Ali in their previous battle. 

Ali felt embarrassed, even a little self-conscious. He ripped off the thin sheets and swung his legs over the bed, snapping Viktor out of his trance. Viktor's expression turned serious.

"Alright, since you're ready, we have to go. It wouldn't help staying in one place, since you already know you're a demigod, your scent would be stronger."

Ali blinked. "My scent?" He sniffed at his underarm, but it smelled of nothing. OK, he was lying. It stunk pretty bad of sweat after the direct exposure to sunlight and battle on the rooftop. But he didn't know that knowing you're a - what's that? - demigod, would make the smell worse. 

"Alright, I stink pretty bad," Ali admitted, getting onto his feet, which wobbled under him. Black spots swarmed his eyes, but he managed to hold onto consciousness. When his vision cleared, Viktor had his arms around him, his expression a look of concern again.

"Are you sure you're ready to move?" Viktor asked seriously. Ali realised that he was not demanding him to stay, rather urging him to make the decision.

"Yeah," Ali said, dazed. "Yeah, let's go back to class."

Viktor's eyebrows rose so high into his ruffly black hair that Ali was afraid it might never come back. 

"I don't mean that, Ali."

"Then what?" Ali demanded. "Where are we going to go if we're not going to- you're not saying we're going to run away?"

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