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Words and insults that pierce me

With smiles brighter than the sun

Eyes colder than the arctic ocean

I'm now left broken, freely undone

Body covered with silk and stockings

To never show my bruises and scars

Head pounding faster than my heart

Now all I see in front of me are stars

Ankles aching from these high heels

Feeling overly faint, lost and hungry

Does no one see the gleam in my eye

That describes more than just a story ?

But no one sees my internal struggle

Oh, when was last time I lived happily?

But don't tell her you heard me say this

Because to others, we're the perfect family



Everything is not what it seems.

I wrote this entry when I saw a poetry contest conducted by oneinabeliever  , the topic around this time had been family. 

I know I could have gone with the cliché way of writing a poem for this topic with a happy family but since my mind is sort of tuned to look at things in a pessimistic way, I changed my mind on what I wanted to write.

I know it's dark but to some, this is their reality. Some of us have to hide what happens at home, for what happens here isn't to be said out loud and they're send to school after being told not to utter a word.  

I've seen this first hand and hope none of you guys have to face this problem. So, be a supporter and stop physical and emotional abuse because scarring someone's life isn't going to do you any good.

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