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la douleur exquise

(n.) the heart wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unattainable

She was the epitome of darkness

that flows in her veins.

Like her need to breathe,

she takes in poetry to stay afloat

in these treacherous waters.

In the eye of the storm lies her solace.

Clearing these turbulent skies for many,

by hiding her sorrows in her writing and

bottling these emotions, never telling any.

Then you came into her life dear girl,

something mysterious, so surreal.

With those mystic eyes and heavenly smile,

that made the writer's heart beat faster.

You've replaced her vocabulary

with little dances of glimpses and smiles.

Mesmerised by your sweet summer voice

leaving her breathless, craving for more.

She yearns to hear from you.

Even if it were just a text

and smiles at the thought of you 

like she does when she's around you.

She spends her long hours

painting you gloriously

with those colourful words

love sick fools wrote for their lovers

dreaming of what it would be like

to have your hand on hers.

You've become a desire,

the kind the heart aches for.

When you look at her she worries,

that you'd see right through her

straight into her emotional kaleidoscope

and see her love for you so clearly.

Can't you tell that she loves you

and wishes only the best for you?

Even behind those begrudging smiles

she would rather you be happy with him

than be unhappy with her in your life.

For you should know;

The only world she yearned to know

was the sunsets painted in your eyes

and believe all the pointless romantic things

you've said to her from time to time.

But now you have him in your life

and she's left with an pain in her chest

For she loved you, broken pieces and all

now knowing you only wanted the best.

Plunges herself into the darkness

the one thing in her life that was constant.

To protect her heart

that had loved you so dearly

from heartbreak over someone

who would never be hers.


Love is love, through and through.

Love sees no boundaries: Love has no gender, colour, religion or ethnicity.

Love isn't something that can be planned, it comes when you least expect it and maybe from the most unexpected person.

I don't know much about love, even less when it comes to the question if I've ever been in love. To be fair I don't think people our age would know either, even if it were right in front of them. Though that doesn't mean that some of us haven't, it could have happened without us realizing it. So maybe I have, maybe I haven't.

Take it from someone who knows what it's like to fall for someone you could possibly never have. As devastated as I was, even though it didn't work out I'm glad I told them about how I felt and I don't regret anything that happened between us.

Come to think of it, this has got to be one of the longest poems I've written to this day and that's a lot coming from me; especially since I've written some really long poems back in the day that have yet to see the light of day here on Wattpad. 

As many of you can tell, this in many ways is different from the poems that I usually write. It doesn't really have a rhyming scheme, just the main theme of pride and unrequited love explained through emotions that I couldn't explain or understand once upon a time ago. 

I usually write when I don't understand what I feel, for writing like music has always been an escape for me. I had written this poem a few months ago -in January, yes January I know- but hadn't gotten a chance to post it here because of school.

So here's my way of bidding farewell to one of the best months of the year, I hope everyone will still embrace the joy, pride and love it has given us and be the voice for the people that aren't but need to be heard. 

Love is love, through and through. Spread the message, for pride connects us all.

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