First Day// Chapter 1

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Hey guys this isnt my first fanfiction but  it is on this account so in this fanfiction your name is Jess and your English you have just moved to LA from London. Hope you enjoy it ❤️

I moved to LA two days ago and I'm already going to start school. I get off of the sofa I have been sleeping on for the past few days (when I get home the room will be decorated). I go to the bathroom upstairs and I take a shower. I get out of the shower and do my makeup.


I have never really been so good at makeup until last month when I started a beauty course at my college back in the UK

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I have never really been so good at makeup until last month when I started a beauty course at my college back in the UK. I moved because my dad was offered a job and I wasn't getting on well at my college.

I put my makeup away and I get dressed. In most American colleges and high schools you can wear what you want so I'm glad.


I dry my hair quickly and do some curls

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I dry my hair quickly and do some curls.


I go downstairs to see a note on top of a box

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I go downstairs to see a note on top of a box. The note said:

Morning Jess,

Here is some breakfast I know you have been dying to try considering you blabbered on about it all the way here. Anyway have a good first day and make sure your home by 11pm because I know you like your exploring. Your camera is on the side next to the fruit.
Good luck babe, love mum xx

I giggle and open the box to see French toast and strawberries from... IHOP! I scream and eat all of my food quickly feeling satisfied and I down a glass of orange juice. I grab my camera off of the side, grab my phone and bag and head out of the door to school. The school was only 10 minutes down my road. I still live with my parents but I think they are moving to ohio or maybe back to the UK honestly I don't know and I don't care.

I walk past a house pretty much Identical to mine and a bunch of guys are heading out of it all with backpacks and cameras. I recognised most of them from vidcon but there were a few I didn't know.

I start walking slowly to see if maybe they would catch up with me or notice me but they didn't probably because they were filming a video or vlogging whatever. I decide maybe I should get my camera out and film my first LA vlog.

"Hey guys it's me jess back with another video, right now I'm walking to my new school because I'm in LA *I scream*" I hear giggles behind me and I turn round to see everyone looking at me I face my camera towards them and they all wave and laugh. I turn back around and start talking about the journey to LA and that I will be posting everyday!

I turn my camera off and put it in my bag. I can hear the guys behind me and I turn round again and they aren't filming anymore they all just shoot looks at me and I laugh.

I get to school and I'm gobsmacked... ITS A YOUTUBING SCHOOL!
A hand touches my shoulder and I spin round. A tall blond boy stands and he has the cutest smile.

Jess- You
(When I put jess it means you it's just I don't always like putting you lol)

Blonde Boy: Hey you seem shocked and new. He said smiling.

Jess: Oh yeah I didn't realise this was a you tubing school I'm quite gobsmacked. I say

Blonde Boy: My name is Sam and you are. Sam says pointing at me

Jess: Oh jess my name is Jess. I say

Sam: Okay jess you seem like you came from the UK based on your accent. Sam says

Jess: Yeah I am from the UK. I moved here a few days ago with my parents. I have always wanted to move here but I didn't know it would be this fast. I say

Sam: Oh wow well your dream came true and your accent is cute it will be cool having an English friend or best friend. Sam winks.

Jess: Definetly best friend. I laugh.

We link arms and head for the front doors of the school. I put a headphone in each of our ears and we listen to Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance. We start mouthing the words to each other and we laugh whilst people stare at us weirdly.
We get to reception and we take our earphones out.

Receptionist: Hello Sam and Hello you must be the new girl, Jess right.

Jess: Yes I am. I say and I put a big smile on my face.

Sam turns to me and smiles and I can't help but to find his hand and hold it because I'm kind of nervous. He holds my hand quite tightly but I don't care its better having someone instead of no one.

Receptionist: Okay jess here is your timetable and a room key. She hands me the paperwork and the key and I look at her confused. She does the same with Sam and I'm still completely blanked.

Jess: Excuse me why do we need room keys. I ask dumbly

Receptionist: Well it's your room till you leave. I know you may all live in one of your own houses but the room is just incase something happens or just if you want a break. She says

Jess: Okay it makes more sense now. I smile and walk off still hand in hand with Sam. I see a medium height girl with gorgeous brown hair that Sam starts eyeing up. I walk over to her with Sam struggling to get away.

Gorg girl: Hey Sam, hey jess. She says

Sam: Hey Jen, wait do you two know each other. Sam asks confused.

Jess: No I don't how do you know my name.

Jen: Your lanyard it has your name. She points and we all laugh

Sam and I realise we are still holding hands and we quickly pull them apart and we both start holding our hands and clicking our knuckles in hope for more circulation.

We all chat for a while then we head to first period.

Skip to end of school day*

School was so fun I made so many new friends and I think I have a crush already. He is tall and has brown hair and beautiful blue eyes. We never really had the chance to speak because he was always doing something but he is Sam's best friend so Sam said he will introduce me to him.

I wait outside of the school on the bench I met Sam and one by one all of Sam's friends come out and run to me.

Jake: Jess whatsupp how are you. Jake says hugging me
Me and jake met at our first break and our rooms are next door to each other.

Jess: Hey Jakey boy. I say hugging him back.

Jake: Have you seen the others. He asks.

Jess: Yup they are right there. I say pointing at everyone walking towards us. By the way jake I have to be home by 11pm so could you drop me off. I say quickly and jake nods.

Sam pulls the boy I like  over to me and he has the biggest smile on his face.

Crush: Hey the names Colby... Colby Brock.

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