Sam's Funeral and Natural selection

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A few Weeks Later

Torie's POV

Today was day of Sam's funeral,Dad and i were getting ready to go to the cemetery. Bosco ( pic on the side) was also coming but only to the cemetery procession and then we'll have to drop him off on the way to the refreshments which was held at the local pub, so we got ready and we got into the car and drove off to the cemetery which we will be meeting everyone else there, so we arrived the cemetery 10 minutes later and we got out of the car and i saw Jamie talking to Caroline so i walked up to them with Bosco and said hi and hugged them and which they returned they both patted the dog as well, Dad came up to us and said in a military tone voice" attention" and we stood in a row and i told Bosco to sit and then Jamie, Pete, Jem and Ricky walked past with the coffin i then signalled to the dog to salute as well as i did with the others  and he sat on his hind legs and he took one of his front paws and brought his paw to his face and the coffin was lowered into the ground, then some the other soldiers had a gun salute so once that service was finished we went to the local pub via home as we had to drop the dog off so we drop Bosco off at home we continued on to the pub for refreshments.We arrived at the pub and Jamie and I were talking and Sam and Alex's Mother came up to us and Said" The army takes your son gives you a cardboard box she continued and asked us " your Jamie  and Victoria  aren't you" using my full name  we nodded she turned to Jamie and continued on saying" you stared the same time as Alex"  he nodded she said" he told us about and you as well Victoria, you are a military working dog handler working  aren't you" I nodded" you were both on the operation when Sam died" she asked we both replied " yeah" she then said "were both with him" dad then overheard us and walked to us and said" we all were Mrs Leonard Sam did not suffer,she asked dad" was a sucessful operation nobody hurt none of the hostages" dad replied" yea it was successful, your car is ready whenever you are" she nodded in thanks she said to Jamie and I " keep an eye out on Alex Will you i don't want to loose another son" we nodded then she went to say goodbye to Alex and then went home.Dad walked up to the bar ordered a large scotch and Jamie and I just shooked our heads thinking the same thing i knew that dad will be drunk tonight so did Jamie so he asked me " do you want me to stay night in case your dad does something stupid" i then replied" if you don't mind i would not be able to handle dad if he was drunk" he replied" i don't mind at all i just want you to be safe if he drinks too much" i replied " thanks Jamie i really appreciate it" he nodded.A few hour later we decide to head home and i was correct about Dad drinking he was off his face and he thought he could drive us home but Pete and Ricky confiscated his keys and handed them to me as i has bit to drink but as much as Dad had so Jamie said he would drive us home since he was sober and was staying the night as well so we got into his car and drove off home for the night once we got home Jamie and i put Dad straight to bed and he was out like a light, so Jamie and went downstairs and i offered him a non alcoholic drink and he water will fine so handed a glass of water which gladly accepted  he then said to me smiling " like you Torie, i like you allot" i replied back" like you to alot so we started kissing not for long so after 2 minutes we pulled apart and then headed upstairs and once we got up the stairs he turned to me and asked " Torie Garvie would do me the honour becoming my girlfriend i then replied and said' i would be happy to be your girlfriend Jamie Dow" with that i peck him on the lips and we went to our separate bedrooms because if Dad  found out that Jamie and I were in bed together he will kill us both so i be both said goodnight to each other and i headed into my room gleeing inside that Jamie has asked me to be his girlfriend and with that said i hopped underneath my duvet covers and went to sleep.

A Few Weeks later

Torie's POV

Weeks Passed and Jamie and I were dating we have told Dad and Granddad about us together, they were angry at first because it will get the way in our jobs but a few day's later they accepted that we were an item. So today we were at the barrack's as it was selection process for potential recruits who wanted to joined Red Troop. So Dad and I arrived at the barracks and we left the the dog at home for the morning and Dad headed off to the hanger where the hopeful's's were and i headed off to find Jamie who eventually found in the Rec Room with Jem playing Pool so i sneaked up to him and kissed him on the lips and Jem had no idea what was going on as he or the others apart Dad and Granddad knew that we were dating so we told him and boy did he get a shock as well as as everyone else, after that Jamie and i went for a walk as Jem went a run so we walked around towards the front and meet up with Pete and all three of us walked towards the army trucks just as the selection hopefuls's jump in the trucks and one the hopefuls looked at Jamie and Jamie gave him the thumbs up and the guy's waved back and Dad jumped on board after him as they had to do combat survival of 100 miles to cover with nobody to help them. So I went with him because i was bored so told Jamie i''l be back in half an hour he nodded so i jump on after dad and we drove  off to start the course. We arrived at the woods and dad got the lads to jump off and told them" there'll be another paratrooper down the track and he will give you your grid references" so the hopefuls walked down the track towards the instructor i knew Dad will have the paratrooper's attacked them from behind so a few minutes later that did exactly happen so dad and i came he was blowing his whistle and telling them  that is enough and to get back into the army truck i was standing there next to him then we both walked back to the lorry Dad then told me that is one of Jamie's old best friends and so all 10 of them jumped into the back of the truck, whilst Dad and i jumped into the 3 front seater in the front with me in the middle but before that Dad got 4 four of the hopefuls to jump at off and and told them their grid references and  a black motorbike went past and i thought that bike looked familiar as a ex boyfriend of  mine owned a similar bike to the one went past i thought nothing of it and said good luck to the boys then i went to hopped back the front waiting for dad to come as well and a few seconds he jumped in beside me and we drove off to drops the others once that was done we headed back to the barracks. A hour later dad and i arrived and we saw Jamie helping a other lads with the weapons, i put my arm around him and Dad said to Jamie" i've put you mate Mick with a cripple", " why Jamie replied" because he's too tall i don't like who stand out" Dad replied back then we saw Dotsy and Caroline in evening gear running in arm in arm towards the main building" what a waste" Dad said.Late that night Jamie and i went to the pub we walked inside Jamie had his arm around me and i felt comfortable and secure with him and we saw Ricky at the bar and Jem was trying to chat up a group of girls so we walked to the bar" Hey Ricky we both said" Hey you two fancy a pint" he replied back to us Jamie looked at me and i nodded back to him he replied to Ricky" yea why not" the bartender approached us and Ricky said to her" 3 pint's and a  pork scratching" we looked at Jem who was trying to crack a joke with a girls and we just shook our heads and then Ricky started talking about his wife who appeartly is in East Timor, then Alex came past us completely ignored me and Jamie but said hello to Ricky. Jamie had to go to the toilet I Then saw Caroline walked in so i waved to her and she waved back walked towards Alex and Jem. Alex asked if she wanted a drink and she said yes a few miniutes Jamie returned where Ricky and I were Caroline walked up to us and Ricky said " wow you look great " i told Caroline " you look amazing doesn't she babe" i said to Jamie "yea she does love l always thought  you were a bloke" he replied  to Caroline with his arm around me Alex then walked up us and started taking the p*** out Jamie so i got really into his face and said" what the hell is wrong with you Alex  if you think you can continue  taking the p*** out me or Jamie think again got that" he replied smugly" i'm not going listen you or him okay you spolit little princess " Jamie interfered and said to him" What is wrong with you mate " he replied " i'm not your mate" Dad then walked in and said" look who found in the car park Dotsy came in behind him and Jem went up him and said" Dotsy you look lovely, a creme de mente franne for the Rupert" Dotsy Replied" piss off i'll have a pint and skittles", "Don't you start Caroline told him, Jamie asked me " you you want to stay the night in the dorms and bring the dog we'll pick him up on the way back" i replied back to him" sure i'll just let dad know i'm staying the night with you alright" he nodded and i asked dad if i can stay with Jamie tonight and Dad said that was fine so Jamie and i said goodnight to everyone expect Alex who was rude to us earlier so we left the pub and headed back to the barracks via home to pick Bosco and we went inside his room and Jamie gave me a spare shirt for me to wear in bed tonight so i put it on and we climb into his double bed and started kissing for half an hour until we both fell asleep.

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