Just a Target

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A few weeks later

Torie's POV

i was at the barracks meeting room with the others for a Obbo and MI5 were telling us that a prominent wealthy banker was nearly assassinated yesterday and they need one of us to go undercover as their oppertive's boyfriend. Dad asked Box "who do want? " box replied " your best sniper"  dad replied" it's either Jem or Jamie" i gave him a look saying" don't even think about it" Dad replied" Jem" and Jem pretend to fall off the desk and Caroline Said" the rest us in close surveillance and backup." I asked Caroline" what's our oppertive's name by the way?" Caroline replied" her name is Lorraine" with that Jamie and I went to get ready for the obbo so once that was done we drove to the location of the surveillance hideout and Dad told us that we had go undercover at a protest as police riot officers so we left for the protest and it was in full swing the protesters shouting at us and police dogs barking including mine so a couple of hours later we were back the surveillance headquarters and caroline said" we have a strong feed from Jem's Mike" and Jem started saying"sit down Lorraine i won't bite"and Dad said alright stand down everybody and Ricky said" i was enjoying that" and dad said" i'll do first watch there are sleeping upstairs with a light" so we went upstairs and i rolled down my sleeping bag next to Jamie's and climbed in an the dog was at my feet and the other rolled down their sleeping bags as well and we all went to sleep.

the next morning

i woke up and got changed and i went downstairs were the other's were and dad wanted us to bug the house so dad said Torie i want you and Jamie to go undercover as dog walkers outside the flat, Ricky i want you in a car up the road and the rest of us to go inside and bug the flat and Caroline and i will be manning the comms. We nodded and Jamie, the dog and i went walking and the others went inside the flat a few minutes later the woman went past us and headed up the road a metres, she then stopped obviously forgetting something turned around and started walking back toward the flat Jamie and i looked at each other and Jamie said to the Ricky over the comms" hold it Ricky the xray has turned around and heading towards the flat about 100 metre yards" i then told Dad and Caroline on my comms "Dad, Caroline the xray is heading towards the flat a few yards away roughly Caroline replied" Have that Tor" she then told the others" guys you have thirty seconds to get out of the flat" dad told Jem" you better head back there" Jem nodded and headed towards the flat and Jamie and I headed back to the temporary HQ and went inside and others walked in a few seconds later and Jamie and I saw box limping and i asked Dad" what's happen to him" whilst pointing to Box Dad replied" the pillock twisted his ankle". 2 hours later Jem returned with Lorraine Dad said to them" well hello there you two, Lorraine i appreciate you what you it must tough for you, your a brave girl" Lorraine replied" thank you' she then looked at the rest of us and continued" sorry i" dad cut in" forget it Jem it's pretty clear now that if does happen it will be Lumberg so keep your eyes open, off you go" they both left. 20 minutes later nothing was happing until Ricky said whilst looking at CCTV monitors" heads up they're leaving the house" dad then replied" where Pete and Alex" Caroline old Pete" standby Pete party leaving the house" dad then told Ricky and Jamie" right you two take another car for support be ready to step in" they both left a few minutes later they were trailing the car and they saw another red rover car waiting for them over the bridge over the road Dad then said to himself" bollocks" box added" there's worst there no sound from the house or CCTV" everyone returned and dad said" one step forward .two steps back, two steps forwards we thinks lumberg its thursday but two steps back we've lost Jem and Lorraine so the priority is finding the location of the hit, Box" Box told all of us" everyone wanna gather around the computer" we saw the footage of Lumberg and his Secretary" there nothing on the computer as his Secretary manages his diary" dad told Box" we need to have a look at at it , Pete and Alex pack your bags, Ricky said "one thing Jem's belt wasn't in the house" i replied" well i think Lorraine might have it by mistake" Dad said" you might right love" he looked at Caroline"whats the range on the belt Caroline replied' depending on the size on the area Dad replied to her" right cirrculate the area cars, helicopter e.t.c, 2 hours later dad's phone rang he answered it" yep Pete LHR 11:00am GNF 2:30pm and the letter B well done mate" with that he hung up and box turned to Dad and said "LHR is heaththrow" dad replied" he's arriving 11:30am and he has a meeting with GNF and 2:30pm who are they" box replied i'll search it and the main phone rang and Caroline answered it and said"yeah,great i'll wait" and she turned to dad and said" there been a phone call to from a cellphone belonging to Rob i'm just waiting for the guy to id the beacon if the phone has been channelled" and she turned back to phone and continued" yeah thanks" and she hung up and she turned and said "Maidenhead" i then said "do you want me Jamie to go with Caroline" Dad replied to me" yeah you three go over there with a couple of Box's mate with  all the tracking Gear, by the way Tor take the dog with you",we nodded and walked  walked past he continued" are all carrying,make you use  it absolutely necessarily" we nodded relieving our guns". We headed outside and Caroline said to all of us" right Torie and Jamie you two take one of Box's mate and take south and east  and i'll take north and west with the other Mate" we nodded and we jumped in into my Aston Martin and i said to Jamie while chucking the keys to him" here you can drive" he nodded and we jumped in and drove off. A few minutes later Caroline asked us over the Comms" anything yet guy's?" Jamie replied  while driving" No nothing yet"Box's Mate then said to us" hold on you two i think i've got something"i then replied two Caroline on the comms" Hold it Caroline we think we've got something, Babe pull over"I told Jamie he pulled over and Box's mate handed me the headphone's from the tracking microphone device on the belt i put on my ears and it sounded like the radio was on in the background i said them " it's sounds like radio is on" and handed to Jaime and he nodded in agreement after hearing the same thing  and box's mate said" wrong wave lenght for radio it's with the tv playing in the room also " Jamie and I both said" brilliant" i told them" the sound's gone" Jamie then told Dad "Heno we've picked up something from the belt how many hours we have left" Dad Replied" Good work you two, we have 3 hours left" "have that" we replied.We met with Carolime a few minutes later and box's mate said to us" we completely lost the signal' Caroline added" we were so close for about two miles, were not going to find if ther're on the move " Jamie and i both saw Lorraine's car driving past and we both said to the other" guy's heads up ithey're coming towards us" with that we bend over the railing and Caroline took the headphones of his head until Lorraine drove past Jamie said to both Caroline and I" we're following them" and we both nodded in agreement and rush towards my car and we followed them from a distance Caroline told the others" Red eight, this is sorry i'm red eight i'm with Torie and Jamie we're following Lorraine and Rob she knows we're following her they're couple hundred yards in front southwest, shall we stay with them Dad replied" no stop treat yourself you little beauties, no you lot stay with them I replied" following them on a3 southbound" " got it dad replied i then asked Jamie "don't get to close babe otherwise Rob might think somethings up and  he'll force Lorraine to loose us and we don't that at the moment do we" he nodded Caroline continued Dad and the others with our location"yep we can still see her ,she's just turned off the main road onto basingstoke" dad then told all us"don't panic you lot we're on our way" we all smiled at his comment we then saw lorraine's car pulled up to a abandoned warehouse 4 storey building across the road called Cumberland house Jamie then pulled over on the side on road and we watched them entered the building i told dad" we're  here dad ot Cumberland house in Newman street" we got out the car I grab Bosco's lead  dad replied" we're minute's away just hold on til we get there" we entered the building i signaled to the dog to be quiet and we went up upstairs to the third floor bosco sniffed something on the ground  and sat next to it so i signalled to other two  that the dog found something on the floor and pointed to the door  towards the door and we walked through and went we started hearing Jem's voice along with couple of others that we did'nt recognize and we walked towards the room that were in and said to them upon at the doorway with our guns drawnn and the dog started  barking' Hey" and we started shooting Caroline shot Flossie and killed her instantly rob shot Caroline in the arm and she screamed , Jamie, Jem and i killed Rob with three bullets through the mouth and Simon walked towards Jem really pissed off and Jem said to him while distracting " Simon it's over"  and Simon walked away from him , then coming towards him and said" why" and i said to Bosco" Attack"and the dog ran up to him from behind and bit him on the bum and Simon yelled in pain i then said  to Bosco "release" and he let go of him , the others came dad shot him dead with his gun and he fell on Jem and  Dad said to him" push him away with that said Jem pushed him on the ground and Jamie, Ricky Dad and i Ricky keep shooting him to make sure he was dead and Caroline sai to us" i'm bleeding to death over here" Pete came and started putting pressure on here and he said" you're gonna be alright it's only flesh wound" Caroline said "it's hurts like hell" dad replied to her" yea well it's a good sign" we all nodded in agreement and Caroline pulled the fingers at us.

A/N another chapter sorry if is really crappy  please Read, Comment and vote thanks everyone for reading 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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