Chapter 5 -The Unspeakable Truth

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Juliana's POV:

It dad. I couldn't believe it. My heart stopped beating and I felt helpless. I tried to escape - I ran, and slammed myself to the walls because of how weak I was. The fluid the hospital gave me was not to make me stronger, but it was to make me weaker. I couldn't wake up from my dream. I felt trapped. He was chasing me and I tried running at my fastest speed but he was way faster than I am...and so he caught me. "AHHHHHH! NO DON'T! DADDY PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!"

He slammed me against the metal wall and I could feel the agonising pain of my broken bones already. I stared right into his eyes. They were...crimson red. Burning sparks. Full of darkness, with a despairing past. Abandoned. Powerful. Empty. Lord Voldemort.
Bu...but why was he in dad's body? Could it be him? No, of course it wouldn't..... right? Another slam against the hard, metal wall took me out of my deep contemplation. 

        Those eyes (dat eyes 👀) were unexplainable. I could see a whole story behind it and somehow, felt relatively close to it, that it longed and craved for me and survived because if my existence, slowly and slowly taking my power away. He took a knife out of nowhere. I could've simply broken that knife if it was a normal wizard knife, even without my wand. However, this was no other ordinary wand. It was...the Justafa Brother's knife; ancient brothers of 12 who died creating this knife, and its soul and powers went to the knife.

          Thousands of people have misused it for murder and endless torture, especially towards the mudbloods and the muggles. If a single touch of that knife goes into anyone's skin, no matter how powerful they are, they will be dead within minutes or hours, if their powers are reinforced. I was scared and helpless. My dad or well, Voldemort put the knife close to my neck and said, "Dare tell anyone and your brother will be the first to die,". "Who are you?!" I asked. No replies. He just...vanished.

       With that, I snapped out of my dream and found my dad close to me and very worried. I could see my grandfather beside him but not even worried for a single bit. I still couldn't breathe. My face was covered in sweat by now and I could see black smokes in the air but told no one. "Juliana, are you okay?! What...what happened?" asked my dad. By the look on his face, I could see that he was worried as hell.

      I struggled to breathe but I managed to say, "Nothing dad, I'm fine. I guess it was just a nightmare again. Sorry,". He started to calm down a tad but I was slowly getting terrified of him. I was terrified of everyone. I was too scared of opening my eyes but I knew I couldn't go back to sleep, especially not at this moment, after the morbid experience.

(A/N: Heyy!!! I know it's been a very long time since I uploaded but I had my exams and just finished it and I'm very happy with my grades :) all those long hours of studying everyday was worth it. Anyway, since I'm on break now, I hope I can upload more yea. Have a great day/night!)

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