Chapter 6 - Truth reveals itself

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Juliana's POV

             After another 2 hours of trying to fall back asleep, I gave up. I couldn't fall back asleep after that spectral dream or vision. I was still confused as hell. What was happening to me? Is somebody trying to kill me? My father...what about him? Will he be the same bloodcurdling person I saw in my 'dream'? No, he can't be. What am I thinking? It was irrational of me to think so illusory of my father, the one who has always protected me from his own father.

    I thought it would be a great idea to go outside and check up on him but I doubt he'd be here this late. He had been skipping a few days of work lately, just to check up on me. I slowly crawled out of the hospital bed but my ribs were still in impair and so was my throbbing head. I didn't give up and tried my best to get down and when I did, I opened the door, only to see Lucius, my grandfather. No. Help. My heart started racing a million times faster than it was and I was struggling to breathe. He stepped closer and closer. The hospital was empty and therefore, his footsteps echoed. He had this look on his face that he put when he was about to beat me. With that, he lurched at me and started pulling my hair with his left arm while choking me with the other.

         "No," I said softly as I couldn't breathe. He didn't listen to me and I felt like screaming
as I stared into his cold, silver eyes. He pushed me into the room and locked the door, without losing his grip on me. I was scared to death. He cornered me and finally spoke, "Listen you insolent, useless child. You may think Lord Voldemort is good as dead but he's not. There was secretly an 8th horcrux which you may have guessed, is inside you. Dare you try to ruin this and," He stopped. He pulled out the Justafa Brother's knife. "If you even try to ruin this chance to revive Voldemort back and I will stab you with this knife with my bare hands, with no regret." He said while gritting his teeth. "MAKE YOURSELF USEFUL FOR ONCE!" he added while screaming. "I'll be able to find out if you try to tell anybody about this, even your father."

        I gulped, unable to do anything. I didn't realise that I was crying until I felt my tears on my lips. He slowly started walking away but the next thing he did was the most crucial thing he did. He turned around, slowly a smirk appearing on his face. "CRUCIO!" He cursed and I instantly fell on to the ground. I felt as if a thousand hot boiling knives were stabbing me.


        He finally stopped. I heard the door closed and I was left there on the ground, bawling my tears out. I couldn't believe it. I was panting. I was weak, so weak that I could not move my body. This was it. Voldemort is coming back and there's nothing that I can do to stop it, not unless I kill myself but Lucius was monitoring every single of my movement and I don't think it'd work since it was very powerful. Way too powerful. I was exhausted. I closed my eyes and started seeing visions of the new soon-to-be death eaters and Lord Voldemort laughing. My head was throbbing even more now. I had no energy left so I blacked out, hoping that it would end one day.

(A/N: Soo...Voldemort is back. Lucius is beginning to torture Juliana more. I'm going to try to post more, even though no one ever reads but...whatevs! Bye wonderful readers!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2018 ⏰

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