Chapter 32: Animosity

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Luke's POV

"And then she pushed Nick away and he didn't even fight her," I pulled off my T-shirt and threw it on the ground. "She handled him like a pro." I turned around, facing Willow.

Willow was laying in my bed, her hands behind her head. It seemed to be her go-to way of laying down. "Tina has changed too," She nodded, seemingly thinking about something. "She's stronger, happier."

I slowly smiled.

"Are you two dating?"

I looked down, unzipping my pants. "We're not," I pulled them off. "But I do like her." I put my pants on the desk in my room, for tomorrow. "I just don't know if she likes me too."

Willow slowly nodded. "She does," She sat up. "You'd make a great couple."

I then smiled.

"She'd learn you how to treat people, how to listen to people, how to not ignore clear signs of depression."

I rolled my eyes before leaving to the bathroom.

I entered and then let out a breath. I looked at myself in the mirror, I had changed. I could even see it physically. I looked healthier, more alive, younger. It looked as if the worries had left my mind but also my body.

I brushed my teeth before going back to my room. I then laid down in bed, next to Willow. It's so weird that I feel so comfortable with her. I knew she was a demon, and that should scare the hell out of me, but it didn't. Because in a weird way she felt like Blair, she was the last thing I had of Blair. Somehow she felt like family.

"You know, I have to thank you," I then looked at Willow. "Without your help, I wouldn't have changed. I wouldn't have understood what Blair went through. I wouldn't have known why she did what she did."

Willow looked away and let out a sigh.

"I just wish she or you could've come to me sooner." I then turned completely towards her. "Why didn't you two come to me or Rachel?"

Willow looked at me. "Seriously?"

I nodded.

"Ok," Willow sat up, creating some distance between us. "You were too busy sucking up to Nick while he made you dance like a puppet." She started to which I looked down. "And Rachel's just a bitch, honestly."

I looked back up at her, surprised to hear her say that. "What? Why are you saying that?" I paused before going on: "Rachel cared so much about Blair, she loved her. She wanted to be with her."

"She ruined her," Willow stated, rather harshly. "She knew Blair was going through a hard time, yet she still decides to make everything so damn difficult."

"It was mainly because of me, it was my fault."

She huffed. "That girl's no good. I'm glad I could keep Blair away from her at least."

I was so confused then. Rachel only showed love towards Blair. All she wanted was to make Blair happy, to make her feel good. Even now, all she cares about is making things right for Blair. Then why is Willow's version of Rachel so different?

Willow laid back down, letting out a deep breath. "Is it ok if I stay here tonight?"

"Yeah sure," I said and, right after, she immediately made herself comfortable in my bed, pulling the sheets over herself and nuzzling in the pillow. "Willow, what do you have against Rachel?"

Willow looked at me, she clearly thought that conversation was over. "Does it matter?"

"Blair loved you both, so yes, I want to know."

She sighed before reaching for something. She then pulled up a phone... She did have a phone. She was busy on it for a while before looking at me. "Rachel did several things that broke Blair."

"Such as?"

Willow seemed pleased with my question. She went back to her phone. "She got Blair beaten up in the gym, she used Blair to get to you, she turned Blair down only to then suddenly want her, she then broke Blair's trust by telling her secret to you, and she left Blair when things got heated." Willow then looked at me. "She's a selfish bitch."

I looked away. "Everyone made mistakes, including me. And we'll all suffer those consequences forever," I then looked at her. "I'd like you to let that go."

"As you like," She put her phone away again and then turned around, her back facing me. "Night."

I laid down, sighing. "Night." I then turned off the lights.


The next morning, I was having breakfast in the kitchen. I was eating while my mind was raging on about last night's conversation I had with Willow. About Rachel.

I couldn't shake off the thought that Willow and Rachel had something going on. Rachel obviously didn't know Willow, but maybe something else... I felt like there was something there.

Then the doorbell rang.

I got up and slowly made my way to the front door. I opened it and smiled. "Hey," I kissed Tina's cheeks. "Come in."

She smiled as she got in. She took off her coat and put it aside, together with her backpack. "So why did I have to come so soon?"

I walked back to the kitchen, to continue my breakfast, and saw Tina follow me. I sat down at the table, as did she.

"So, what's up?"

"I wanted to talk about Rachel," I paused, looking for the right way to say this. "I think there's something going on between Rachel and Willow."

Tina raised her eyebrows. "Like what?"

I shrugged. "I can't shake off the feeling that something else is going on," I looked down, giving it more thought. "The way Willow speaks of Rachel, so dooming... And the way they spoke when they first met..."

Tina slowly nodded. "Maybe it's just the animosity between them because of Blair?"

I looked at her. That was possible.

"Willow was dating Blair and Rachel kind of got in the way. Willow must hate Rachel for that."

I slowly nodded. "But what about Rachel? She wasn't acting as she always did when we spoke to Willow."

"She must've been terrified," She paused, nodding. "I'd be too if I met the girlfriend of the girl I had an affair with. Especially if that girlfriend's a demon..."

I slowly nodded. "Ok, you're right, I'm probably looking into this too much." I then smiled a bit. "Thanks for coming though."

She smiled as well. "Of course."

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