The Symptoms

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Booms, bangs, slams and even whispers cause pain. Sounds reach out and tear at your ears until you are blinded and deafened by noise, unable to function. You begin to lose control of your actions, your mind and your life as you try to deter this fiend, however that may be, be it rocking, crying, shouting or fiddling. "But why these actions?" you ask. Honestly, even I don't know. The brain seems to start controlling all aspects of your body, like a puppeteer demonstrating his trade. We fear the earth. And all that inhabit it. We need structure, stability, silence. There are those who say we are statues, ghosts, beings who have no emotions, feel nothing for anyone. That is a lie. We feel everything. We cannot function in new or stressful environments such as riding a rollercoaster, dancing at a party, even such tasks as doing a speech in front of one person. For those of us who can talk, whose voices aren't trapped within their mind's cell, we confront these experiences with a sense of terror and dread, preparing to fail. So I beg you, be quiet and leave us be.

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