The Parents

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The warriors in life's battle; the battle of autism. No one struggles more than they do. For most of us, the lucky ones, we are lights that will never be extinguished in our parents' eyes. "She is her own self", "She isn't ill!", the explanatory swords that cut down the monsters in this world, wielded by the accepting, loving, caring protectors of those who simply cannot protect themselves. However, even though there are a great deal of these benevolent guardians in the world, there are "the others", the ones who ally themselves with the monsters, who only see one side, one way, one type of life, believing that their child is no better than an animal, a thing, that we can choose to be like this, that medicine, that has saved countless lives, is the spreader of this epidemic. Children being told that they are "messed up", "sick" and "unnatural" ... from the very ones who are supposed to shield their children from these hateful comments. Would you like it if your parents did that to you?

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