Lance X Reader(Female)

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"Y/N!" yelled Lotor. What does he want this time...I thought to myself. I walked to the control center in the ship and asked, "what do you want Lotor, I was in the middle of something." He looked at you irritated and said, "Voltron seems to have formed and destroyed one of the ships along with everything inside of it." was just this stupid drama between him and Voltron...why does he even care so much...I thought. Lotor always seemed to be at war with Voltron no matter what happened to our people. He didn't care about what happened to our armies...all he wanted was this stupid Voltron. "They have already assembled the five lions, you know, the black, yellow, green, blue, and red lions," he said. Wait wasn't there another lion in the ancient stories Zarkon told me about...I decided to discard my thoughts and leave the room. "I don't care Lotor, if you need me for something of actual importance I will be on an abandoned planet in the middle of nowhere," I replied. He seemed annoyed by my answer and yelled, "hey..." I had already left the room so he was unable to finish his sentence. I headed to my room to grab my bag before heading to my secret planet. I loved my little planet, the environment was free of pollution, untouched by the dangers of the world around it. I hated the world around my small planet. It was full of death and destruction that met no end, and one day, it would take away my small planet of peace.
"Why does everyone just want to rule the multiverse, why can't they just make peace with one another?" I whispered. The sunset was beautiful from this planet, the gases turned it made all the colors of the rainbow. Why can't my life just stay this on my secret planet...peaceful and beautiful...I often thought like that but I knew it wouldn't be true. I sat and prepared to watch the last bits of the sun leave the tiny planet.
Suddenly a giant robot covered my view of the sunset. I was unable to see the beauty that was once there, what is it now... I hated that they had taken away my perfect view. The robot seemed to land a good distance away from me. Slowly it began to fall apart, into five lions. Wait a second that's...I grabbed my bag and stood up slowly...Voltron. I didn't want to get involved with this drama again...why are they here? I hope they leave soon. I waited a few minutes but they didn't leave. Suddenly the lions mouths opened and a single person walked out of each lion. They seemed to be talking about something but I couldn't tell what. I ran to my small ship and prepared to takeoff, but sadly I had grabbed unwanted attention from one of the Paladins.
"Hey, there's someone over there, maybe a spy," Keith said. He started to run in my direction. I have to get back to Lotor and the ship began to take liftoff as it hovered above the ground. I was able to fly a good distance before suddenly a laser beam split my ship in half. Oh no...I thought. My hand slipped on the controls and suddenly I was thrown out of my ship. Then it exploded, how was I gonna get back now. I looked to where the lions were at and noticed that they were all running at me. But one was missing, strange. The black Paladin's lion suddenly jumped in the air and caught me. I rolled a few times before pain suddenly filled my head and my vision grew blurry. Why me...but my thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of people's footsteps getting closer to me.
"I really hope that he is alive," said Shiro. The other Paladins began to enter the room and Shiro looked over at Keith. "Keith, you fired at this persons ship and now they could be dead, if you thought they were a spy than you could have just captured them peacefully instead of putting their life at risk!" he shouted at Keith. Keith seemed to not care until he looked upon me. I looked like a normal human boy, who would have known that I was half human-half galra, I hadn't ever told anyone. "Look what you've done now Keith, you injured a poor little boy," mocked Lance.
Almost look like a boy...but you are a girl to clarify things...
"Yeah yeah, let's just bring them back for questioning," replied Keith. "Pidge, Hunk, prepare our prisoner for takeoff, I don't want him more injured then he already is," commanded Shiro, "when we get back we'll put them in a healing pod." "Yes sir!" They replied. I was quickly lifted up but my mind went blank before I could hear anything else that was happening.
When I finally came to my hands were behind my back and I was sitting in a plain white room. "Seriously, so that wasn't just a bad dream," I mumbled. The doors to the room opened and the five Paladins entered. "Who are you," asked Shiro. "I could ask you all that same question or I could simply ask, what am I doing here," I replied. He seemed taken aback by my answer until Keith said, "he asked you a question, now answer it." I stared at Keith, "and what if I choose not to." I heard a slight chuckle come out of Lance and he walked up to me, "the names Lance, that made my day, did you seriously just talk back to the red Paladin?" Wait a split second..."so, let me guess, you guys form this thing called Voltron." I looked at everyone and then back at Lance. Keith seemed angered, everyone else seemed neutral. "I'll take that as a yes but honestly, I don't care about stupid Voltron, I don't care about this stupid war," I paused a moment, "but I do care about stupid wars like this one that destroy planets like the one I was happily sitting on until you hobos arrived."
This time I earned a laugh from the green Paladin, which seemed to be the only girl. "And whats so funny now little girl," I mocked. She stopped laughing and asked, "how did you?" Before she could finish asking I replied, "it's pretty obvious that your a girl, I mean look at yourself." Her cheeks flushed and she exited the room. What was that all about...I thought.
     I stood slowly and asked, "if you would so kindly tell me the answer to why I am here please." Keith tried to punch at me but I quickly side stepped and kicked his back. This send him flying into the wall, "seriously...I stand up and the first thing you do is try to punch me...what in all of Zarkon is wrong with you!" I looked back at the Black, Blue, and Yellow Paladins. "What are you staring at," I asked, it came out with a bit angrier of a tone then I was going for. "Sorry that sounded a bit ruder than I wanted it to...but please...why am I here," I asked again but this time I finally got an answer. Of course it just happened to be from Shiro...the almighty leader of Voltron...dundunduuuun...I thought. "We brought you here to question why you were spying on us, who your leader is, and what you know," he said calmly. Keith started to walk back over to the other Paladins and Lance slapped his shoulder and said, "wow Keith brought down by a boy smaller than you that is also in cuffs." Lance smirked and said, "I like this kid." I tsked and looked away from the group. I slowly sat down and whispered, "I honestly don't care, this is boring." They looked at me in shock, "aren't you afraid that we might torture you for information?" Said one of them. I turned back slowly and said...
     "I don't care."
It had been a few days and the yellow paladin, who's name turned out to be Hunk, brought me my food as usual. He was still a little afraid because of what happened with Keith on my first day. "Leave it at the doorway, I will get it once you leave," I told him. He complied and walked away. Since day one it had been like this, I came up with this idea so that he might be less uncomfortable when he had to see me. It seemed to be working. Suddenly the door opened and Lance and Shiro entered. "Okay," said Shiro, "it's been a while and I hope that you will cooperate with us by now." I looked up from my food and smirked. "Sure, could've asked me in the first place and I would of told you everything...I ain't got nothing to hide," I said, "but may I ask where the almighty red paladin is." They didn't answer so I giggled, "is he not here cause I hurt his ego." Lance laughed at my comment but stopped when Shiro scolded him. "First question...who are you," he spoke. What a dumb question...oh well..."the names Y/N..." He looked at me seriously and I smirked. "Second question," he continued, "why were you spying on us?" This time I looked at him seriously, "you honestly think I was there to spy on you...I was there to get some peace and quiet and watch the sunset but you guys just had to ruin that didn't you!" I notice that I raised my voice and try to calm myself. "That planet was my quiet place but you just had to land on it," I whispered. Shiro seemed to look at me apologetically and he looked down, "next question." He said, "who is your leader." I thought for a moment...who is my never really told me what to do...and Lotor is my brother so he can't be my leader. "Ummm...I don't really know," I said. They looked at me quizzically and asked, "Who is the leader of the people around you?" Now that was an easy question, "my dad and my brother!" I was excited at the thought of them...they let me do what I wanted...sure Lotor was annoying but Zarkon lets me do what I want and we have many good memories. "And who might they be," asked Lance. Seriously...isn't it obvious...I thought. I looked at them with this look that says...are you stupid. "Well...Lotor is my brother......and Zarkon is my yeah now you know...any other questions?" They looked at me with shocked faces and turned around to exit the room. "Wait!," I yelled. Lance stopped and looked back at me. "Can you turn off gravity in here...please," I asked. He smiled and said, "sure." They exited the room and the doors shut.
     Suddenly the gravity turned off and I began floating, "yay...this is so fun." I started bouncing off the walls and swimming through the air. After a while I decided to sit upside down on the ceiling. "Wheeeee!," I yelled. I was having a blast. When I was younger I had done this throughout the whole ship and it was funny to watch others try to catch me. When someone did finally catch me it was my dad Zarkon. He smiled at me and stood on the floor before turning on the gravity within the ship. "Were you having fun my little Y/N..." he would ask. I would nod yes and he would bring me into my room and tell me to sleep. I would listen to him and quickly fall asleep while he got back to work. It was so fun, but this time I was a prisoner of Voltron and I was in a plain white room. I floated off the ceiling and just laid there in the air, I miss it when things were fun. Now everyone was serious and just wanted Voltron. Would would have thought that I would be their prisoner. "Everybody wants this stupid robot...and now I am their prisoner...all I wanted was to watch a damn sunset!," I was starting to get angry.

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