Lance X Reader(Naga)

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Y/N Pov
Today was pretty boring on my lonely little tree. I was the normal size of a female human, well, except for my long snake tail. I am what you could call a Naga. Naga is a half human half snake creature. But, I am special, I have the ability to shrink and grow to any size I deem fit. So right now, I was small enough to wrap around a humans pointer finger. I liked being this small because it didn't scare people away and I could easily hide from other nagas and creatures in this forest.
I noticed the sun going down and decided to rest for the night. I quickly fell asleep but was not met with dream land but the shriek of a teenage girl. I quickly sat up in my spot on my small tree and looked around to see what had made that shrieking noise. My eyes finally fell upon a girl with short ginger hair and glasses. She seemed to be doing something on a little shiny box. It caught my interest so I stared at the tiny box until I noticed her approaching my little tree. I quickly hid from her as I listened to her talking. "Hm I haven't seen a tree like this in my database," she said, "maybe I should take some samples to test back at the castle." As she said this she reached into my tiny tree and tried pulling on one of its delicious fruits. I quickly bit her before hiding once again.
"Ouch!," she yelled as she looked down at my tiny bite mark. "That's weird I haven't seen any snakes," she mumbled. Looking through some leaves I saw her put her hand to her forehead and look around the area with her eyes squinted. "Pidge!," I hear someone yell. Looking around I saw a man with black and white hair. His hair caught my interest and I couldn't help but reach out for it to touch it. Of course though my tiny arms were very ineffective because of the distance between us. "I heard you yell are you alright?," he asked. "Yeah Shiro I'm fine, but the strangest think happened," she replied as she continued to look around.
"What?," Shiro asked with one eyebrow raised. Pidge turned towards him before pointing at my little tree. She started speaking, "I've never seen that tree anywhere in my database so I was gonna take samples but when I reached to pull out one of the trees fruits something bit me. The weirdest part is that it looks like a snake bite but I haven't seen a single snake all day." By now the only light provided by the two humans was coming off of her interesting box thingy. Shiro started looking at my little tree before I got too exhausted and past out.

Pidge's Pov
Me and Shiro looked at the tree for a few more minutes before I decided to ask, "can you guys help me get this tree into the castle? Maybe then we can see what it is without suddenly getting bitten while trying to get samples." When I looked over at Shiro he had this look on his face that just screamed 'seriously'. I shrugged my shoulders and he said, "sure." I jumped up in joy and ran back towards the castle to get the others while Shiro stayed behind to look at the tree.
As I ran I was filled with joy about finding a new species of tree life. Once at the castle I explained the tree to the guys, and Princess Allura, and she seemed very interested. Keith and Lance said why not but Hunk refused to go outside after dark. "Too bad," I sighed, "there were some pretty delicious looking fruit on that tree. Oh well come on guys." I waited three seconds and right on cue Hunk was running to catch up to us asking what the fruit looked like. I laughed a little and saw Shiro waving to us. "And where're here!," I said excitedly. I quickly put a perimeter around the tree and Hunk kept eyeing the fruit the whole time.
After the guys had dug up the tree I had Allura help me put it onto a hovering cart. "There now we just have to pull the cart back to the castle," I said. "Ugh," complained Hunk, "can't I just try one now?" Looking over at him I shook my head no, "we don't know if this plant is poisonous or not Hunk. I've never even heard of the species before, it's not in my database." Keith seemed to already be pulling the cart along with Shiro so I decided to help by pushing the backside. Allura and Hunk started talking on the way back when I realized something, "guys where's Lance?"
Suddenly we hear a girly scream and see Lance running behind us, "don't leave me behind!" I could hear Keith chuckle a bit before we continued on towards the castle. Once there Coran looked at the tree suspiciously. "What have you got there?," he asked as he poked a few leaves every now and then. "I don't know actually," I replied, "let's get it in the lab though." Coran saluted me and began pulling the car towards my lab. It was a bit funny watching him pull it all the way there but I couldn't wait to experiment. "Hunk pull out one of the fruit," I said as I eyed the tree. Hunk looked at me suspiciously before bringing his hand towards one of the fruit. He was just about to grab the fruit when there was the slightest rustle in the leaves.
Hunk quickly brought his hand back and said, "nope sorry Pidge I ain't going near that tree. I'm freaking out about it! Why did the leaves rustle when I tried to grab a fruit, and-and whats even in the tree?! Did you bring a snake or something Pidge?!" I gave him a bored expression before turning back to the tree. "I didn't see a single snake while I was outside. And besides, the only snake trails out there were way to big for an average snake, much less one that could fit in this little tree," I said. Hunk started freaking out more after the mention of large snakes. "What if you took a baby snake?! It's mother might attack us and wrap us in her coils until we suffocate and die!," after awhile of his freak out he ended up fainting over all the possibilities.
"So much for a lab partner," I said to myself, "now which one of the others are less aware of dangerous things...hmmm...oh I know!" I quickly ran off to find the one paladin I had in mind. Instead I found Keith and asked if he'd seen Lance, he pointed me in the direction and off I was to find Lance. When I found him he was balancing a spoon on his nose. "Hey Lance follow me," I watched as he pouted when the spoon fell before following me. Once back at the lab I turned to Lance and said, "I need you to grab one of the fruits from this tree for me." He just shrugged and reached into the tree. I watched him grab one of the fruits before he suddenly dropped it. "Don't worry I got it," he said as he reached around on the tree and finally grabbed something.
When I saw what he grabbed though I screamed, "snake!" Lance immediately fell onto his back and the little snake went flying through the air. When it landed I quickly put a glass vase over it, then I realized just where it landed. Lance had the most frightened face on as he looked down at the snake. We both looked at the snake before I heard a soft yawn and noticed what looked like a tiny girl popped up. What intrigued me though was that from the waste down she was a snake. She looked around for a bit while rubbing her eyes before realizing where she was. Almost immediately she hid her face behind her tail and started crying. "No no no's okay," I started freaking out before scooping a plate under her so Lance could stand up without her being set free.
"What is that?!," screamed Lance. This notified all of the other paladins, and Princess Allura and Coran, and they all ran into the lab. "What happened?!," yelled Allura. All eyes fell upon the crying creature I had trapped and suddenly Coran and Allura we're cuddling up to the glass vase and saying comforting words to it. "What's going on?," I asked. Coran looked up at me before saying, "it seems you've caught yourself a naga, a very young looking one too, usually they aren't this small." He started rubbing his chin before Hunk jumped up, "oh no we kidnapped a baby naga and now the moms gonna kill us!" "No no," Coran said, "this ones not a baby. But, she is abnormally small for her age. I'd say she's about a year or two younger than you Lance." Lance looked down at her and said, "then why is she so small?! And what the name of Zarkon is a naga?!"
Princess Allura sighed before picking up the calmed down naga. "A naga is a being that from the waist up is human, but from the waist down is a snake," Allura said. "She's so adorable," I fangirled as I poked her tail. She quickly bit my finger again and I hid behind Shiro, "ouch!" I stared at her and she seemed to be comforting where I poked her. Lance laughed at me and walked up to Allura. He held his finger near you and said, "how does something this tiny hurt you? AHHHH!!! GET IT OFF!!!" Lance fell to the ground again and held his hand out as far as he could.
While his finger was out you had grabbed onto it and slithered onto his hand. "She didn't even hurt you Lance so who's being a baby now?," I snickered. Keith watched with amusement as you coiled around Lances finger while he tried shaking you off. "Lance be careful," as if right on cue you went flying off his hand and hit into the top of a nearby table pretty hard. "What the name name of Zarkon Lance?!," I screamed as I ran to check on her. She looked to be in immense pain when I picked her up. Looking over at Lance I glared at him as Keith hit him upside the head. "Way to go Lance you hurt something way smaller than you for no reason," I said angrily. Lance screamed what and tried to defend himself. Shiro crouched down a bit to look at you and a piece of his hair was just within your reach.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2019 ⏰

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