Lance X Reader(Neko)

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     "Meow?" You said. There was a giant spaceship in the middle of town. Usually it was normal for that to happen but this ship was different. It was way bigger and the colors were bright. "They must not have flown that ship that long," I whispered. Their ship didn't seem to have much dirt on it, it didn't seem to have any dirt on it actually. Strange...I thought. A pod floated down from the bottom of the ship and many people stepped out of it. "Fancy," I said to myself. I heard a small meow behind me and turned to see my little sisters and baby brother. Their clothes were tattered and torn and they were very hungry. "Sissy we need food," whined the youngest of the girls. "I know, I'll go find some money for food," I told her, "I will be back when I get food." They nodded their heads in understanding and hid in our makeshift home. Sure it was just a few boxes with people's thrown out blankets but it was our home. I have to be fast...
I put my hood over my ears and hid my tail. It was rare to be born a neko so I kept it a secret so I could take care of my siblings. As I walked through town there seemed to be many richer people in the crowds. When they weren't looking I would snatch a coin or two out of their pockets. They never noticed though. Why would they notice...they are so rich and almighty that they think nobody would dare steal from them...boy were they wrong...I thought. While in thought I had accidentally ran into one of the people from the ship. I fell back onto the ground but got up fast and fixed my hood so he wouldn't see my face.
"Sorry," I whispered. He seemed in a shocked state as I ran through the crowd. I noticed that their was a merchant nearby and headed towards them. When I arrived I looked around and something caught my attention. It was a small toy in the shape of a lion. The merchant noticed that my attention was on the toy and said, "you give me half that bundle of money in your hand there and you can have it." I looked down at my money. Is it worth would be good to get them something to pass the time though...I thought. I decided to make the deal and handed him half my money. He handed me the toy and I walked away to search for food. Let's hope this is enough...
I noticed a big vendor for food and I quickly made my way to it. "How much can I get for this," I said as I showed him my money. He growled and said, "this must be a joke, that much money ain't gonna get you anything from here." I frowned and he turned his back to me to talk to another customer. While he was turned away I noticed three loaves of bread. This is my only chance...I quickly grabbed two loaves of bread before the red paladin yelled, "hey you!" I quickly ran for it through the alley ways to get to my siblings.
Lance Pov
"Hey you," yelled Keith. I turned to look in the direction that he had shouted in. Their was someone wearing a hood and running away with two loaves of bread. Bread...seriously...he thought. "I got this Keith," Lance said stoically as he chased after you.
     Your Pov
Great now one is chasing me...I thought. Why couldn't they just not have noticed and left me alone... I thought to myself. I quickly made a left turn and ducked behind a box. He passed right by the box and I ran back down the alley towards my hungry siblings. Once I was sure he wasn't following me I walked to my siblings. "Y/N," screamed my little sisters. "Baby brother is sick," said one of them. Oh no...I thought. We didn't have enough money to get him medicine and sickness is what killed our parents. I ran to my brother and picked him up while sitting down. Suddenly I remembered...I have food for them.
     I pulled out the two loaves of bread and started splitting one of them and giving it out to my sisters. I looked down at my little brother and picked of small pieces at a time so he wouldn't choke. He ate them slowly and managed to swallow them without choking. "It's okay, I got you buddy," I whispered to him. He started coughing a bit so I looked at him sadly, "when did it start?" My sisters looked at me and responded, "a few minutes after you left he started coughing." Why today...why not on a day when we had the money to get him medicine. I didn't like the situation we were in. A single tear slipped down my cheek as I looked at the way we had to live. Our dad used to gamble so we got kicked out of our home, then mom died. Soon after that our dad spent all the money we had to get himself food and beer. He didn't care about us once mom died. After a while he died of sickness and we were left to fend for ourselves. Why...
     Lance Pov
     "Where did they go?" I asked. I had searched for awhile now and couldn't find them anywhere. "Great now Keith is gonna think I am even more useless than he already does," I whispered to myself. I had a tendency to talk to myself when I was alone. I wasn't paying attention and I tripped over a rock. "Quiznack!," I yelled. I hit the ground with a loud thud. "I really hope nobody saw that," I said. I was starting to think that it was hopeless, I would never find this person. I turned down an alleyway and noticed some little girls sitting with...the thief!
     As I looked closer I noticed her passing out pieces of the bread to the people around her. They must be homeless...I thought. As I looked closer I realized that they were practically starving. I looked to the thief and saw her feeding...wait a second!!! It's a HER!!! She was holding a baby boy in her arms and he seemed to have a cough of some kind. She slowly fed him pieces of the bread to prevent choking. She said something to the people around her and snapped the other loaf of bread in half. She slowly stood up and walked over to a couple in the alleyway. She handed them the bread and they thanked her. After a few minutes she walked back to the little girls and pulled something out of her bag. It was a toy in the shape of a lion...MY LION!!! She handed it to the little girls and they started to play with it happily.
     Your Pov
     My little sisters played with the little lion toy happily. They loved it so much, I'm glad they're happy... I looked around and noticed the person from before staring at me and my siblings...why is he here...I thought I lost him.
I handed L/B/N (little brother's name) to one of my sisters and told them to go inside our makeshift house. Once they were inside I walked up to the man slowly. He seemed lost in thought for a moment so I said, "ahem." This seemed to startle him from his thoughts and he shrewder before falling to the ground. He quickly stood up and gathered his composure. "What do you want," I asked him. He looked at me for a moment and said, "the names Lance and I noticed you steal some bread." I quickly turned away from him and looked at my makeshift house with my siblings safely inside it. "I...," I tried to say something, anything. He suddenly spoke up, "I noticed why you stole it so I won't really do anything, you were just taking care of your kids." I had to chuckle at his last remark.
"Those aren't my kids...those are my siblings," I giggled. "WHAT?!," he screamed. I burst out laughing and he once again gathered his composure. "I knew that," he mumbled. Sure...I thought. I giggled and suddenly a gust of wind blew my hood off revealing my ears. Oh no...I looked at him in pure shock and fear...what if he tells people...what if they take me away from my siblings and they have to fend for themselves...what if...suddenly my train of thought stopped when I realized...he had a slight blush on his face.
Lance Pov
Her hood suddenly blew off to reveal...CAT EARS!!! There were E/C cat ears right on her head...and they were real!!! It was so cute, I just wanted to pet them. She had this look on her face that made her look so adorable. I couldn't help but blush at the way she looked. I swear, if Keith was here then he would say that I look like his lion. But I couldn't help it...she was adorable. By accident I reached over and played with her ears, they were so soft. What happened next surprised me...SHE PURRED!!! SHE ACTUALLY PURRED!!! WHAT?!?! But I couldn't help but blush even more as I played with her ears. "So cute," I whispered. She suddenly stopped purring and looked up at me...quiznack she heard me...oh no oh no oh no...good job Lance.
     Your Pov
     "So cute," he whispered. I immediately looked up at him. Did he just call me cute...oh my gosh I was purring wasn't I...noooo why...why can't I control that?!?! He just stared at me while blushing...he looks like a handsome tomato...wait WHAT?! Did I just call him handsome...and a tomato...what the heck...I just barely even met him!!! I stared up at him...I must have looked so stinking cute cause he blushed more than ever. "Why are you looking at me like that," I asked. He turned to look away from me and whispered, "it's nothing." Suddenly I heard giggling behind me but before I could see who it was they pushed me. THEY PUSHED ME!!! "Ahhh," I yelled. He looked at me to see why I yelled but I landed on him...and GUESS WHAT!!!
     WE ENDED UP KISSING!!!!!!!!!!!
I quickly stood up and looked at him...he was redder than ever! I turned to see who pushed me and saw my little dare you...I thought. I ran after them and hid in the house. I was to embarrassed and ashamed to look at him again.
     Lance Pov
     We just kissed...we literally just now I was probably REDDER than Keith's lion. And then I realized something   ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I am in love...

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