Lance X Reader(Altean)

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S/C = skin color      C/C = choker color   H/C = hair color     E/C = eye color
H/L = hair length   Y/N = your name      O/C = outfit color
     The Galra took everything from brother, my sister, and my parents old home. We had lived there for years after our parents had died. But now our home was gone too. On the third day of the attack my brother tried to save a small Altean child from death. Instead he was shot down and killed before they killed the child. I hid my sister to the best of my abilities. Things started dying down after awhile, but I knew it wasn't safe. I told her to stay hidden with me until I could confirm our safety, but she didn't listen. She decided to wonder away from our hideout and look at the destruction around us. She threw safety to the wind and started singing a lullaby while skipping around. I had been asleep but I immediately woke up when I heard her singing. Oh no...I thought. I looked around and heard her scream, then I saw her. She was being taken prisoner by the galra and I could do anything. If I came out of hiding then I too would be captured. Who would warn others that the Alteans were captured and you were the only one left that you knew of...I thought many things as I sat there unable to help. Once they were gone from the area I was in I made a run for it to the woods. But, before I ran I made sure to turn my skin purple so others would think I was galra. I got to the woods safely and turned my skin back to its original color S/C.
What am I going to do...I have no family...I have nothing...I thought as I walked away from civilization. There was nothing left for me, except for a C/C choker that was handed down from my mother. I loved the choker, it was beautiful. Where am I even going...I thought to myself. Suddenly I smelled something, it was campfire?! I hid behind a tree and looked for where the smell was coming from. It didn't take long and I found many males sitting around a campfire. One was galra but the others were many different species.
     "Hey guys look what I found," spoke someone behind me. They turned me around fast and soon I was surrounded. "An Altean," whispered many of them. One grabbed my arm and said, "she'll probably sell for good money in the market, don't you think boys." I looked around at all of them. The galra...seemed to have sympathy in his eyes. Once done looking around at the men before me I cast my eyes to the ground. "Let's put her into the case so that she is preserved," said the one holding me. They others nodded in approval and I was shoved over to the campfire. I looked around and saw an Altean box, it was the perfect size to hold a person in there. "Please d..." but it was too late.
     They shoved me into the box and turned it on. I became sleepy and fell unconscious. Why...I thought.

Galra Pov
     We found an Altean around our campsite. She looked to be around the age of Y/A. I felt a bit of sympathy for her. Her people were killed, she's all alone, and now she's being kidnapped. But I knew I couldn't show sympathy for least...not in front of the others. They would think I'm weak and sell me off too. Out here it was survival of the fittest, and I could change that. She looked so weak and tired as we shoved her into the preserving box. "Please d..." she tried to tell us not to do it...but it was too late. She soon fell unconscious and I looked at her sadly. So young and beautiful, if the Galra were never here she would probably be having fun with other Alteans and find herself someone that cared for her. But here we are, the Galra attacked, and she was being kidnapped. The worst part is, she probably hates me right now for being galra. But, I couldn't find any anger or hatred in her E/C eyes...only sadness.
     The boys and I loaded everything up into our ship and left the planet. We were headed to the black market, to sell her. It would take awhile to get there so the boys decided to pick out some outfits for you to wear so you would be appealing. I didn't care too much because to me you looked fine. But every once and awhile I would grimace at the site of the outfits they were choosing. In the end they had many outfits, all of which were to appeal to future buyers. Once we landed I was given the task of carrying the preserving box you were in. I made sure to care it gently and with as much care as I could without people noticing. I didn't want to hurt you and I did t want to sell you either. We were about to be in the black market so some of the guys went to get something to eat. When they came back we were in our usual spot and they handed me two things of food.
     "One for you and one for the Altean," they said. I went back into the room you were in and set down the food. I knew that you would fall from being in there. Opening the box carefully I allowed you to fall into my arms safely. You opened you eyes slowly and looked up at me sadly. "Why..." you asked.

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