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After a Week~~~~

Sunrays enter in a room and hit the eyes of man who is none other than our shivay , he scrunch his nose in response , his lips twitch upward, he open his eyes slowly and pull the person more in his arms who is snoring lightly , he tighten his grip around Anika's waist making her frown and open her eyes with a smile

"Good Morning baby" Shivay kissed Anika stomach and caresses slowly making the smile fade from Anika lips , her brows pulled together and a sad expression covered her eyes which soon fade when shivay peck her lips lightly "Morning love"

Shivay's POV~~

"Morning ķí..." Anika stopped in mid and put her palm on mouth like she is going to puck .. I raised my brow "Vomit" i asked but without saying anything she run towards washroom , I followed her from behind but before i say or do something she start throwing her lungs out on washroom floor..

I immediately hold her from back giving her a bit of strength and she continued throwing out... Her eyes become teary ,Tears slipped out from her eyes but before they drop on floor , i wipe them away and tighten my grip around my lady...

"Ki..tt..u" i come out from my thought listening her weak and crack voice.. "Don't talk" i pressed my fingure against her lips making her quiet , She let out a light sob and keep her head on my shoulder making me feel helpless..
"I don't want you come in world when your mumma is this much weak baaby" i thought & felt tears slipping out from my eyes and i caresses her stomach with guilt for what i did ,and love for our growing baby in her womb...

Don't know why but Aniee's sobs start getting louder and she stare my hand on her stomach...

"Nothing happen with our baby , it's normal thing love" I whispered in her ear and wrapped my hand around her waist letting her cry a little... She struggled in my grip for coming out don't know why she is struggling when she already know i will not loose my grip on her when she is not in condition to stand..

"Meko jaane do" She whispered in cracked voice and i plastered a stern look on my face.. "Shhhh!" i put my fingures on her lips and she looked towards me with tears in her eyes , Not only tears there is something else too in her eyes... I wash her mouth and open the tap of water for cleaning floor without loosing my grip on her..

"What's wrong Aniee?" I ask and pick her up in my arms , i made my way towards our bedroom , She struggled in my arms continuosly , her tears are no where to stop.. Her silent tears once again start turning in sobs and she hit me on my face angrily making me winch... After allot of struggle i make her sit on bed and kneel down in front of her holding her both hand in mine , I stare direct in her eyes..

"What's wrong?" I ask in soft tone and bought her hand near my lips and plant a kiss on back of her palm.. "U hurted me" She whisper in cracked voice and start sobbing more loudly.. I stare her for a minute in shock .. "When Aniee , Where?" i ask softly and start checking her arms and waist.. "leave my hand" She pout angrily and snatch her hand back making me frown...

"Aniee" I called her out but this time my voice held a tint of anger , I m noticing her behaviour from past two days , She is behaving totally out of character.. "You shout on me?" She raised her brow and again start crying making me frustated ... "What's wrong?" I asked angrily and hold her face in my palms making her look direct in my eyes .. "You are trying to scare me now" i notice her tune changing and close my eyes for controlling my frustation.. "Will you not tell me Aniee?" I cupped her face but this time with pure love and plant a soft kiss on her forehead , She jumped in my arms instatly and wrapped her both hand around me "U don't love me anymore na" She pouted cutely and stare me with hope & hurt in her red puffy eyes .. "Who said this i don't love you , i love you more than anything Aniee" i wrapped my both hand around her and make her sit comfortably on my lap .. "U are lying ,u are not my kittu, u love baby more than me " She sobbed putting her head on my chest .. "My kittu loved me but u don't love me , u love baby more" She complained and pout innocently.. "How u figured this out that i love baby more?" i asked and pull my brows together waiting for her reply... "U kissed baby before me in morning, U ask about baby not about me" She pouted and looked direct in my eyes and soon her tears start flowing again ..

"Is it jealous from our baby or Her mood swings"



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