Well, slather me in butter and call me a biscuit

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Two updates in two days. I'm quite proud of myself.

I did say I was going to try and update more often.

Anyways, enjoy!


Chapter 3: Well, slather me in butter and call me a biscuit


Day 1: Earth at its finest

Everything was still, and everyone was silent.

The only noise that was being made was the sound of heaving breaths coming from the criminals as they questioned whether they were alive or not.

"Listen," Monty said, breaking the silence, "No machine hum."

"Woah. That's a first," Jasper quickly responded, grinning, as he began to unstrap his seatbelt.

This seemed to be a signal that the teenagers were in fact alive, and the stillness that once filled the ship was replaced with the scrambling of everyone trying to unbuckle and get outside.

"Thanks for trying to calm us down."

Stella looked up from unstrapping her seatbelt to see Monty and Jasper standing over her.

She shot them a smile, "Can't have my travelin' buddies scarred out of their minds now can we?"

The returned her smile before walking away, leaving her to remove herself from what one wouldn't even begin to call a seat.

"Finn, is he breathing?" Stella heard someone ask. She turned to see Clarke Griffin looking around the spacewalker, who she assumed was Finn, to see the body of one of the other idiots who decided unbuckle during their decent.

"The outer door is on the lower level. Let's go!" someone shouted.

Stella glanced between the two bodies and the exit hatch, trying to decide what to do, but her thoughts were interrupted when she saw a familiar head of oily brown hair.

"Well, slather me in butter and call me a biscuit," Stella exclaimed, catching his attention, "Do my eyes deceive me or is that John Murphy standing in front of me?"

A grin made its way onto Murphy's face as he lifted his hands up in a shrug, "The one and only."

She pulled him into a hug which he returned immediately.

John Murphy was one of the only people on the Ark who could put up with her attitude. Mostly because he had a very similar one. They first met when she was in training to be a guard and caught the younger boy stealing food rations. Instead of turning him in, which is what he thought was going to happen at first, she calmly and quietly asked him for his reasoning behind committing the crime. He was quick to realize that the intimidating uniform only went so deep and told her about his mother, or lack thereof. Instead of feeling pity for him, Stella was impressed by his ability to be so strong in that kind of living situation.

Thus, she helped him steal the food rations.

After that day, Stella would give Murphy a portion of her own food every day. She practically adopted him as her younger brother, and would calm him down when things got bad at home. When Stella heard that Murphy had gotten arrested, she was upset and angry, especially when she learned that her own father had been the one to do so. Now that they were reunited, both of them felt the desire to protect each other, just like they felt back on the Ark.

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