chapter 1

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The smooth voice of Lana Del Rey poured out of Castiel's radio as he wiped down the kitchen's counters. He had the same radio station on everyday, and he was almost sick of the song. But that didn't stop him from knowing every word and singing it. With a flourish, he finished wiping the counters clean and turned to look at his work. Shiny chrome counters welcomed him, all cleaned off with the exception of the ingredients for the newest batch of pies and cakes that were waiting to be made.

As Castiel looked around the kitchen, the bell on the door signaled a new customer entering. He peeked out the door of the kitchen, seeing his favorite customer waiting.

Dean Winchester, with his sinfully well fitted jeans, old army green jacket, light brown hair... Castiel barely contained a sigh. He wasn't openly gay, but damn. If Dean asked him to do anything, he would. Anything for the Winchester.

Cas took a breath and hummed the Christina Perri song playing now as he stepped into the area designated as his shop, Heaven on Earth (where every bite is a kiss from an angel!), wringing the slightly damp cloth in his hands. "Hello, Dean."

"Hey, Cas." Dean's face lit up when he turned toward Castiel, and Castiel didn't know if his extra inhale of breath was noticed. If it was, he didn't mind though. Dean was breathtaking, no matter what. Especially when he looked at you with that big, goofy, lopsided grin with his mossy eyes twinkling and his freckles standing out on his tanned skin. Damn, Castiel wished he could kiss those soft lips he saw at this time every day- stop it. Stop it now. He'd get carried away and not hear what Dean was talking about. "Got any apple?"

"Always, Dean. I know it's your favorite," Cas smiled and pulled the apple pie out of the display case, looking up. "Here or for the road?"

"I've got enough time to stick around today," Dean replied. "If you don't mind, that is."

"As long as you don't make fun of my music choice while I bake." Cas cut a bigger than normal slice of pie for Dean, holding up a finger as he disappeared into the kitchen to grab a plate. Dean was the only customer he had during the early morning, so he wasn't ready for the rush of people wanting to eat in yet.

"Aw, Cas, you really think I'd stoop so low?" He barely heard Dean's call and scoffed as he walked back into the shop.

"Yes, Dean, I do. You did it just last week." He lifted the slice of pie onto the plate, pulling a fork from the container by the register as he walked over to where Dean was now seated, at the table that had the best view into the kitchen. Whenever Dean ate in, he took that seat because he knew Castiel would be cooking then and he'd grown accustomed to speaking with him. Castiel really didn't mind. "So," Castiel started as he moved back into the kitchen and turned the volume down on the radio, "how's business at the shop?"

"Booming," Castiel could hear the grin in Dean's voice as he started to measure out ingredients for the strawberry-chocolate marbled cake he was planning on having ready tomorrow. "There's never been so much business!" The Winchester continued talking about his auto shop, which Castiel listened to eagerly. He enjoyed hearing about it, hearing Dean talk to him while he worked. Mind straying slightly, Castiel working on auto-pilot, asking Dean questions once he got silent again and putting the ingredients into the bowl and mixing them when needed. When his mind strayed further, he let the silence sit between them until he had put the cake in the oven and slowly began to realize he had been singing Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls when it had started. And now the song was halfway over. He turned slowly, finding Dean staring at him with an empty plate and amused expression. A blush rose to his cheeks as they stared at each other.

"Well," Dean coughed slightly. "There's a first." That lopsided smile graced his features as the song faded out into the radio host's voice. "I should be going..." Dean stood slowly, smile still in place. Cas nodded and walked toward the shop and the register, ringing Dean's slice up and cutting him another for the road.

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