chapter 2

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Dean walked into the bakery Monday anxiously. "Hey, Cas?" He called, smiling when the baker walked out of the kitchen, looking beautiful with flour all over his face.

"Hello, Dean."

"I can't stay today," Dean blurted dejectedly.

Cas smiled sadly. "Aw," he sighed. "I was looking forward to talking today."

"Yeah, I was too," Dean sighed. "Sorry."

"It's fine," Cas waved his hand. "Apple?"

"No, I was thinking I'd mix it up today. A piece of that blueberry chocolate?"

"Coming right up. Just let me wash my hands."

When Cas disappeared behind the doorway again, Dean sighed, trying to calm his heartbeat. He was so nervous, but he had to do this.

"Blueberry, right?" Cas asked, and Dean didn't realize he had come back into the room. Dean nodded. "Well, Dean, hopefully you can stay and talk tomorrow." He smiled and Dean watched him box up the pie.

"Or maybe tonight? Do you mind if I come by tonight after work? I could help out, you seemed pretty overwhelmed on Friday."

"That's because Anna and Alfie weren't here. My niece and nephew. They'll be here tonight though, they were just sick. You could stop by, though, close to eight," Castiel's voice was slightly shaky. "I don't mind if you don't mind."

"Sounds good," Dean smiled, paying for the pie and taking the box. "I'll see you tonight."


Castiel sighed, barely able to make it through the night. He was up at four a.m. that morning, and he was virtually dying by the time eight rolled around.

Dean hadn't shown up.

"Thank you, you guys," Cas smiled at Anna and Alfie, the two sixteen year olds that he adored more than anything. "Now get home, your mom and dad would be mad if they realized I kept you longer than I should have. Tell them to stop by sometime soon."

"Will do," Alfie chirped, and Anna smiled.

"C'mon, Alf."

The two left, and Cas watched them go. He rubbed a hand down his face, sighing and yawning. Dean wasn't gonna show, it was 8:05. Cas was exhausted anyway, he needed some sleep.

Right after he cleaned the kitchen. He turned up the radio, beginning to wipe down the counters and hum to himself, putting the dishes in the sink to wash in the morning. He didn't hear the bell on the door or the footsteps coming up to the doorway of the kitchen. When he turned around, he caught a glimpse of the boots that were all too familiar. His eyebrows shot up.

"I thought you wouldn't show."

"Can't get rid of me that easily. Is it okay if I come into the sacred kitchen?"

"Come on in, but don't touch anything. I just cleaned it."

Dean stepped in, looking around and wandering, brushing his fingers just over the surfaces. "So this is where the magic happens?"

"Mm-hm," Cas swallowed thickly, watching Dean wander. He turned back to the dishes, starting the hot water and pouring dish soap into it to let the dishes soak.

"It's amazing. Spotless."

"Gotta keep up with the requirements."

"Can't have you getting shut down, right?"


Cas shut the water off, turning around and sucking in a deep breath when he came chest to chest with Dean. He kept his eyes on the other man's lips for a second, since that was eye-level, before looking up into his eyes. They twinkled down at him, filled with what looked like adoration. He let out his breath shakily, unable to tear his eyes away now. "Dean..." Cas swallowed, licking his lips. He was secretly really enjoying the feeling of the other man pressed so close to him. "What are you doing?"

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