Chapter X p,1

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"He's six years old!" I described, "his hair is a golden brown. He also has golden brown eyes. Please. He's about three feet tall." The officer raised his eyebrows, but his face seemed uninterested. He smiled quickly but dropped his mouth to a frown afterwards.
"He's five years old. Three feet, three feet? Tiny." He droned while he wrote on a report. He set his pencil down as loud as he possibly could. "Sir, you are going to have to be patient. We are doing everything we can." I looked around the department warily, watching all the officers joke over a cup of coffee. I frowned. Arrow has been gone for a few days, visiting her family leaving me to attend to Valor. But right when she left, we weren't bonding as well. I've never been alone with him before. I yelled at him for the first time too. So, Valor disappeared the moment I took my eyes off of him. The worst thing that I could've said to him. I basically told him to get lost, that I didn't want him, and that those slave drivers would gladly take him back.
"Everything you can? Sorry, but what officers are out looking for him right now?!" He scoffed. He started writing something on his sheets of paper, glaring at me when he raised his head.
"Sir, go home." He looked back at his paperwork. "I'll call you if we find anything." I turned angrily, holding back every once of the urge to beat his face in. I ran out of the place calling for my son desperately. Arrow was gonna kill me when she finds our son gone and the police on the case. She hates the police by the way. I ran back hoping to find him there, he wasn't. I decided to run to the house of one of his friend's from school. His mother answered the door that I was pounding on.
"WHAT?! You're scaring my kids Mister." She was a young parent, not even 25. I gulped and asked about my son. "No Mister. I haven't seen your son around. But I'd like to help find him, anything." I looked around behind me, maybe he was late to get there. But no. I turned back to Ms. Bolich.
"Yes, if you can ask the rest of the parents of his friends. That would be a big help." She nodded, smiled sadly then closed the door. The one thing that I thought was missing, happened on my way to our favorite park. It was raining when I stepped on the wood chips. "Valor!" I called. He was nowhere. I opened my door and walked into my house with my head hung and dripping wet. I couldn't tell if my face was more wet with the rain or my tears. I started towards the kitchen but tripped over a block that shifted when it moved. I picked it up and examined the leather cover and thick paper covered in smooth photos.
The page it was opened to, was of me when I was a kid. I was standing with my dad and sister, smiling wildly. I remembered that picture, my mom was taking it. We were at a park near here. One for just walking on trails and taking picnics. I read a message on the bottom of the picture, I wrote it, it said.
My family and I in my peaceful place.
I slammed the book closed and ran out the door again. I can't entirely remember the way, but made it. Sadly, it was a huge park with a lot of ground to cover. I was joined by four couples, the parents I asked if they've seen Valor. They promised to help. And I accepted gratefully. We got to searching. Split up, we wondered around calling his name, but I heard a sob come from a bush along my gravel path. I moved the thorns and found the small child hugging his scraped up knees, crying, and soaked to the bone.
"Valor." I tried getting closer, but the bushes were difficult to get through and he didn't want me getting any closer. "I came to apologize. I shouldn't have said what I did, and this is all my fault. I guess I'm the worst, officially" I looked at him with the saddest look I had ever made. He pulled his head from his knees and looked at me with his bloodshot eyes.
"I didn't mean to make you angry." I tried getting to him again. The thorns tearing off my skin, but I pushed through the pain and held him in my arms. He sobbed while I rubbed his head gently. "I'm sorry." He said again.
"No, there's nothing to apologize for. I was wrong. Please forgive me." He nodded vigorously, asking if we could go home. I nodded happily, "Yeah, of course let's go home." I was helped through the thorns by him and I carried him on my back. I told everyone to go home, thanked them for their help, and we wondered home too.
"And Valor?" He hummed in response. "We can't mention this to your mother okay?" He gulped, agreeing with me because he knew he'd be in just as much trouble as I would be. But we got home the day before she did. She walked in wearing baggy cloths, that was different for her.
Valor and I were bandaged from the thorn wounds. She just walked pasted us and into the kitchen, fully aware of our bandages, but choosing to ignore it. Were we home free? She sighed loudly, "Wanna tell me what happened, this weekend?" I Guess Not.
"Um~" I answered, "no?" I knew that wasn't ideal but that's all I wanted to say. She huffed in annoyance. I saw her leaning over on the counter. I knew she was worried about us.
"We went on a hike." Valor piped up. Feeling the same way I did. "We ended up getting caught in a rain storm, Daddy saved me from a landslide, we fell to the bottom of the mountain all banged up." I think that was a valid answer because Ivory didn't say anything else. She just pulled us into a hug. Valor and I looked at each other, over Ivory's shoulder. Something else happened during the weekend. We all pulled away, looking at each other. "Are you okay?" Valor crawling into Ivory's lap. She was softly playing with his hair and smiling.
"My grandmother has passed away." I widened my eyes. "Ash will be coming around later to give me the date for her funeral." She got up and walked back into the kitchen. I picked up Valor and we followed her. "She was my closest relative that lived on the isle. She was always so beautiful and smiling. Died smiling even. Would you two like to come with me, when the date is set." Valor and I looked at each other before smiling at her and nodding. "Good." She turned to face us with a tray of lemonade.
"Yeah," I backed away, "cuz that went over so well last time." I continued to back away slowly, Valor hugged my shoulder. "Arrow." She was coming closer.
"Relax," she pulled back. "I watched what I added this time. No Aqua Regia this time." She smiled. I slowly took a glass and let one drop fall onto the counter. The material didn't corrode away like last time. Valor took a smaller cup and downed it. "I seriously have no idea why we left acid in the kitchen. That crap is crazy. Anyway I have a job we can take. Best if we get going." She left to pack her essentials into her leather satchel, Valor got one of his own for his birthday that he was stuffing with things he just wanted to play with later. And I was still enjoying a perfectly non-life-threatening glass of lemonade. She came in later with an angry expression and her hands on her hips.
"What do you think you're doing?" She'd ask. I smiled sheepishly, not feeling like packing. "Stop being a baby and go pack. We're off, and this case, is rather interesting if I do say so." I challenged, saying aren't all of our cases interesting? She smirked. "Oh, Jackson. This case. We go into space." She chuckled and walks away.

The Adventures Of Ivory Arrow & Jackson Baleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن