Chapter X p,3

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He dared to do this to us. Bold move I'd say, if I wasn't so enraged. Jackson and I left Johnny and Tomi to the party. They were going to convince the crowd of how evil Flynn was, I knew that wouldn't do anything but they were dead set on ruining his rep, so they could go right ahead with it.
"I seem to have gotten quite popular since the incident. Crazy how different this place is then Whale huh?" He started, spinning a pen between his fingers. "I knew coming him was just what I needed." He breathed in. But in a heart beat, he sprung from his chair and leaned over his desk to glare at us. "HOWEVER!" He got loud all of a sudden too. "IF ANY ONE WERE TO GET IN THE WAY OF MY POPULARITY. I SHALL HAVE THEIR HEADS!" He sat back in his chair cooling off. "Sorry, I'm just really enjoying life at the moment." Jackson was standing now and looking around his office at the pictures of Flynn and his fans, and Flynn's family. A mother, a father, and three boys.
"Brothers?" Jackson pointed at the picture. Flynn nodded. "Were they on the station too?" Flynn inhaled while standing up too. Only making me not want to be the only one in a chair, I had to stand too.
"Yes, my family. I have a little brother, and an older brother. But no, they weren't on the station. I made sure of that before I ever went with my uncle Griffinbane." Flynn took the picture and chucked it into the trash can beside his desk. "Who'd have thought though, that they'd want to go on a family vacation. Up to Big 'Ol Freezing Canada for a week. Sadly getting squashed by a ginormous billion ton space station while there." We looked at each other grimly.
"You killed your family?" Jackson croaked, holding back some form of emotion. Turning away to skim through his book collection. "If you had a family. Even a cousin who can't leave the station. Why'd you kill them. You should've known actions have consequences." Flynn was now taking slow strides back to his desk.
"That's in the past now. But you know what isn't?" He smiled at us. "Parenthood. That is here and now. Being responsible for a life could be challenging huh?" What was he getting at? That was when I noticed a picture frame, face down on his desk. I curiously looked at it's contents. "But sometimes," My hands shook with anger, "your job kind of calls for more attention than your own child." The picture was with Valor. He was playing in our backyard with some of the neighbor's kids and their dog Kit. "I don't want my crimes to be held against me. If you so much as look at a reporter in a suspicious manner. You will have but a head of your precious little boy."
"That's just cruel flynnagin." Johnny was at the door. "How could threaten a kid's life? Do you realize how sick that sounds. And cowardly." Johnny walked over, picked up Valor's picture that I didn't realize I dropped and chuckled it out Flynn's window. It breaks through the glass and screams were heard once the crash signified its landing. We stepped back from the two boys in war with one another. "I mean, you did kind of killed my brothers so..." he drifted off. Then out of nowhere, he ran up and pinned Flynn against a wall making books fall from their shelves. "You can either be arrested. Or I will have no choice but to kill you cuz." Johnny's voice was raspy and pissed off.
Flynn pushed Johnny off of him. "You can't just come into my home. And start demanding things of me. Johnny Boy." Flynn pushed Johnny, he pushed back, and then a battle commenced. I pulled them apart and we stood in a circle. In silence. "I destroyed your home because it wasn't mine. You never made it home FOR ME! I have never been able to deal with people, this is YOUR FAULT!"
"We need to deal with this, like adults. All of ours are gone. That's all we can do for now." Ivory stared at Flynn, with an intense glare. "And the first thing you should know as an adult, is taking responsibility." Flynn's eye twitched. "And if you just need a little push, I'm willing to be of service." She held up a recorder that heard what he's confessed to. "Take the easy was out, and you could live a happier life. I'm sure if I were to tell the po before you, you could go down for manslaughter. And we wouldn't want that." He ran out of the room, we watched from his window, him running to the police department that was conveniently placed down the street. We sighed. Content with our actions. We said goodbye to Tomi and Johnny and ran home to see our son. Only finding him missing with a note stapled into his favorite stuffed Panda.

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