Chapter Two

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© JunoDelusion, 2014


III-A Classroom, Senior High School Bldg., Himedacca Academy.

One petite girl is standing in front of the room, writing something on the whiteboard while on her tiptoes. The squeaky sound of the marker touching the board fills the room. All of the other students inside are all eyes and all ears towards her, eagerly waiting for her to finish what she is writing on the board.


The girl then drags a chair in front, stands on it, and then opens her mouth to talk.

She is Kayla Cream Estocado, the Class Mayor of Third Year Section A Class. Today is their Homeroom Class, and their teacher has left for a while, so she is asked to give an inspirational speech. Boring, I know. But when she’s talking, everyone listens. Why? Because she’s one of the most famous students in the school. (If you don’t know, re-read Chapter One, go.)

“Chances are always there in front of us. We may not see them, but they’re there. We just have to keep on searching for them. Sometimes, they knock; sometimes they just pass by. And sometimes they do both. Chances can be expected; chances can come like thieves at night.”

 Kayla is extremely smart. Saying she is a genius would be an understatement. Her brain has so many curls that she has maintained her top spot in the class every year. In all tests in each subject she always gets a perfect score, and when she reports in front of the class, her performance is outstanding. Everything for her seems like a piece of cake. But you know what they say: Intelligence plus diligence equals a perfect quintessence. Tweet that now, go.

Now, her classmates are really paying attention to her. I don’t know whether they are really listening to her or just fantasizing her. I’m seeing hearts on the eyes of some boys. Urgh, pervs.

That’s the main reason why she is one of the most famous in the school. It’s you Kayla. It’s always you.

But despite her being always superior or excellent in everything, she still has something that needs improvement. Her body is of a grade-schooler. She is so short, and her weight is so small that she is sometimes thought to be malnourished. That is why she stands on a chair as she talks in front -- for her to be seen by everyone. Right now, she is struggling in climbing up on the chair.

“Kayla, need help?!” the boys offer, acting like knights in shining shimmering armors. It is then that Kayla has climbed up successfully. Too late, desperados.

“No need, but thanks!” she cutely smiles. And the guys faint like crazy.

In addition to that, Kayla’s voice is also of a kindergarten girl – cute and childish. She is also flat-chested, and her cheeks are not showing any bone structure. Basically, she looks like she does not belong in High School.

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