Awaiting the Future

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No One's POV

"Everybody stay calm, do what we say, and no one will be hurt!" Robert yelled at the guys, pointing a gun at them whilst Cole held a knife and Aton stood behind them watching.

"Here is what's going to happen-" Cole started.

"Do you have Sawyer? Where is she! If you touch her I swear to god, I will kill you motherfuckers!" Ashley shouts.

"It's rude to interrupt but I'll let that on go as we are just getting started. All will be revealed in time, Black Veil Brides." Robert said, "Continue, капуста(Cole)." Cole knew his name Russian but nothing else.

"We are going to bind your hands there with duct tape so you don't kill me or me brothers! Alright?" Cole said, too excited for comfort.

After everyone's hands were bound, minus the Men of the Night of course, the brothers began speaking to each other in a mixture of Russian and English. The guys began to whisper to one another.

"If they have Sawyer I'm gonna tear them apart." Andy said.

"What do they want?" Jake asked, the fear prominent in his voice.

"They are probably just haters who are taking this way too far." Jinxx suggested as he placed a supportive and comforting hand on Jake's shoulder to comfort him.

Andy looked at their aggressors and said to them, "Listen, if you guys don't like us or our music that's okay, but this is no way of dealing with it. We have people who care for us and will notice if we are gone. If you just let us go now, we can handle this and everything will be okay."

Cole and Robert stepped forward once more. Cole responded, "We don't care about your bloody music!"

"Calm down, Cole." Robert warned.

"Wait, guys, remember when Sawyer told us about when she was....r-raped. She said it was three guys who were speaking a different language." Ashley whispered to his bandmates. They all nodded in understanding that these three may be the same men.

"Where is Sawyer!" Ashley yelled at them.

"Jesus, mate, hang on!" Cole shouted.

"Yeah, we have her. And we will bring her out here but if one of you tries to get up from that couch, I will put a bullet right through her pretty head." Robert warned. Ashley tensed up as well as the other guys.

"Cole, go get her. Anton, держите пистолет за голову и стреляйте, если они двигаются. Keep the gun on their heads and fire if they move." Robert ordered. Cole then disappeared into the bunk area and struggling could be heard as well as Cole yelling, "Come on! We have your mates if you struggle anymore, I will kill your boyfriend, alright!" That stopped the sounds of struggling.

Then, Cole emerged with Sawyer, duct tape binding her hands and covering her mouth. Her eyes looking, pleading at the guys and then staring at Ashley. Ashley looked at her and knew how broken she was. All he wanted to do was to hold her and tell her everything would be alright, but the truth, the horrible truth, was that he didn't know that for sure.

"My god, Sawyer..."Andy let out staring at his, basically, little sister with so much pity and then to their aggressors with so much anger. Cole threw Sawyer to the ground at his and his brother's feet and she looked up at Ashley, and just prayed for a way out and let a few tears flow.

Anton, who had been typing away on his phone finally looked up and said, "The van is ready and running outside."

"на английском языке пожалуйста, Anton. In Russian please, Anton." Robert responded.

"Alright, I'm going to take you all out to our van we have waiting outside. If you try anything, we will kill your Black Veil Bitch over here." Robert announced grabbing Sawyer by the hair standing her up, pulled her close wrapping a hand around her stomach securing her, and placed his gun to her forehead.

"Leave her the fuck alone!" Ashley yells, trying to get up.

Robert clicked a bullet into place causing Sawyer to tremble. "Stay put Purdy...or your girlfriend gets a bullet." That caused Ashley to keep his mouth shut, but his eyes remained on Sawyer. One by one the guys were lead outside into the darkness of night and placed in the back of a van. Then, finally, Sawyer was lead out by Anton as his brothers got into the van and started it. The youngest Kozlov gentle pulled the silently crying girl with his and reached the back of the van and looked at the guys, with pity.

Before putting her in the van, he said, "Listen.....I...I don't want any part of this. M-my brothers are crazy. They are forcing me to go along with this as well as.....nevermind. The point is, I really don't want to hurt anyone."

Jinxx, taken aback by the young man's attitude towards the situation, said, "Well, why don't you just call the police and we can all be too."

"I-I can't they are....t-they would kill me. But I will try to help you out in small ways as much as I can. I p-promise." Anton said as he slowly pulled the tape off of Sawyer's mouth.

"P-please let t-them g-go.."Sawyer pleaded.

"Sawyer...........we won't leave you behind. I love you." Ashley responded.

"Listen. I let her ride back here with you instead of up there with them but you need to promise not to try anything or they will kill you. I'm sorry I can't do more." Anton said as he placed Sawyer into the van where she was enveloped in a hug by Ashley and the rest of the guys as the doors shut.

The car started and small conversation in the front could be barely heard from the back where the prisoners huddled together, awaiting their future.

"I-I'm s-so s-sorry." Sawyer said placing her head in her hands.

"What are you talking about Sawyer? This, none of this, is your fault." Ashley responded placing a protective hand around her shoulders.

"They are t-them." Sawyer said.

"The ones who hurt you?" Jake questioned, already knowing the answer.

"Son of a bitch!" Ashley and Andy both said.

"Everything will be fine. We just need to stick together..protect one another." CC suggests. They all nod in agreement, and then the van stopped and the doors opened. 

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