Letting the Tears Fall

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No One's POV

Seeing Sawyer hands bound above her head on the hook in the center of the room, her bare feet as her shoes were removed, barely touch the cement that was the ground; it was the worst thing Ashley had ever seen. The girl he loved was hanging before him like a rag doll ready to be...played with. Andy was dying to kill the men who were holding them, as were CC and Jake and Jinxx.

"Let's get this party started...."Robert said, "Give us the first question, Anton."

"Okay....um...after they...r-raped.....Fucking-I can't do this!" Anton exclaimed suddenly before running up the stairs and slamming the door once again.

"I'll make sure he doesn't do something he regrets." Robert says as he leaves the basement, "Please continue. Don't wait on us." The door slammed behind him signaling the resumption of the 'game'.

"Anyways....first question," Cole glanced at the computer and continued, "This one is easy...Why did you guys take Sawyer in after we had our piece with her? I mean I assume it was out of pity but-"

"Try love!" Ashley interrupted with nods and murmurs of agreement from the rest of the guys.

A smile spread over Cole's face as he said, "Oooooh, I was right well hoping you'd say something like that. You see, I think it was pity, mate. And that means...you are wrong." Cole looked over his collection of whips on the wall behind Sawyer, "Which one guys?"

"Don't you fucking lay a finger on her!" Ashley yelled, struggling against the handcuffs that kept him from protecting his girlfriend and his bandmates.

Cole grinned, "Oh, I won't, mate. But this whip will," He said picking a whip with small, braided strands with little bits of what looked like sharp bits of knife or something similar throughout the strands, "Since you didn't choose a whip I chose this one. It's my personally favorite; gets the ladies screaming really bloody quick."

 The whipping was not the worst thing for Sawyer; it was that Ash and her brothers were forced to see it happen. Ashley was sobbing and yelling for Cole to stop and shouting Sawyer's name. Andy was crying and struggling against his restraints. Jake and Jinxx were both sobbing and staring at each other rather than the horror in front of them. CC was screaming about how he was going to 'kick their assess' when this was all over.

After a while Sawyer passed out, but Cole did not; he went ballistic whipping the unconscious Sawyer; Ash and the guys all the while letting tears fall. 

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