Chapter 29

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Sana's pov
The 3 of them are really really handsome they are like an angels that get down on Earth especially taehyung. I hope he likes me cause I really like him so much. Yah sanastasia stop thinking about those things you should sleep now it's already 12 midnight...


*Ring Ring*

I woke up in the sound of my alarm clock. I get up lazily and get my clothes. After I found my clothes I get my towel to take a bath.

After I took a bath I changed my clothes to this 👇👇

I get downstairs and I saw Mina playing with her phone

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I get downstairs and I saw Mina playing with her phone


"Hey Mina"

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"Hey Mina"

"Oh hi"

"Where's nayeon?"

"She's already taking a bath"

"Oh ok"

"Btw Mina are you and taehyung close friends?"

"Nope we just met why'd you ask unnie?"

"Oh nothing just asking"

"I'm done!!"

"Hi nayeon"

"Hii good morning"


"Let's go and eat"

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"Let's go and eat"


We ate and we go to school

*School dismissed* (lazy is me Keke)

Nayeon pov

I wanted to see suga again. I hope we'll see each other again well it's Saturday tomorrow we can hang out I'm gonna ask Mina. I knocked at her door three times she opened it

"Hi minari"

"Hello unnie do you need something?"

"Nothing I'm just gonna ask you something"

"What is it?"

"Can we hangout with the boys?"

"Sure thing besides it's Saturday tomorrow"

"Ok thanks"

She smiled at me I smiled back  then i go to my room.

I closed my door then my phone vibrated. I looked at my phone. I saw a text I don't know who's that but he/she knows my name. God it's so creepy.....


Hi nayeon

Who are you?


(Omg he's suga ahhhh. But how'd he got my number?)

Howd you get mah number?

No need to ask. Btw I heard that we are gonna hangout tomorrow are we?

Yeah why'd you asked?

Nothing. Btw can you send me your picture??


(Gahh he's asking me to take a pictureee. Should I? Of course I should but I need to retouch my face)


Ok ok wait a second...

Ok I'll wait

Kamsahamnida nayeon

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Kamsahamnida nayeon

Your welcome

Are you already going to sleep?


K then bye see ya tomorrow

Bye bye

Text ended

Gosh he ask me to take a selca wahhh I'm dying does he like me too?? I guess not. Because there's a lot of pretty girls than me so yeah. Ugh let's just sleep.
A/n- yiee nayeon can't sleep because of sugaa~

Ny-author nimm~ shattap and just continue making this ff

A/n-fine fine

Suga pov

Nayeon was really pretty she's like an angel I really like her so I ask Mina to get her number


"Mina-yahh I have a favor"

"What is it suga?"

"Do you have nayeon's number?"

"Ne~ waegure?"

"Can I..... Have her.... Number?"

"Sure here"

She gave me the number

"Kamsahamnida Mina"

"No problem btw goodbye.."



Annyeong! So this chapter is actually taesana and yoongyeon ship but don't worry I'll still make jimina (our Royal ship👏👑😍😘) and does everyone excited for my new story or only my friend neilAehTlatsyrC_120 (coz she requested it😂😂. And again thanks for support love you all bye😘😘💜💓❤

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