Chapter 1

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I hit my alarm and groan. I hate waking up at 6 in the morning after doing homework all night. Hi, some of you might be wondering who I am. My name is Jennifer Carbone. I'm half Hispanic and Italian, and I'm Lesbian. My Mom was El Salvadorian, and my Dad is Italian. My Mom died in a car crash, me and my Dad were devastated, but Dad and I pushed through. After my Mom died, Dad opened up a restaurant and named it after her. Her name was Maria. And we get to live above it. But the problem was that it was on the border between the Italian and Spanish Mafia. In New York City, mafia activity is big, and we're in the middle of it. So both Bosses from both the Mafias agreed that our restaurant will be where both mafia members will not fight. And if anyone starts, a fight will be punished. I came out to him when I was 13, and he accepted for who I am. I'm 5'1, tan skin, long black hair, with coffee colored eyes.

Anyways I get up and start getting ready for the day. I head to my bathroom and get the shower going. I put my hair up so it doesn't get wet. After I wash up, I go back to my room and start to get dressed. I put on my System Of A Down shirt on my skinny jeans, black convers, and my grey hoodie. I look for my glasses before I grab my stuff for school. After I got my glasses, I head down stairs to open up the restaurant. I pull open the blinds, unlock the door, and turn on the 'OPEN' sign.

Go head to the back to see if Angel, Tito, Tony, and Damien are the kitchen. Angel and Tito are in the Spanish Mafia, but they deliver fresh ingredients for us every other week. That's what the Spanish Mafia dose for us. Tony and Damien are from the Italian Mafia, and they deliver our alcohol and drinks every other week, too. And as 4 are back here, lifting the stuff to the kitchen and with my Dad counting and making sure everything was in order.

"Hey Guys".

"HEY JEN"!! They all yelled together.

"Good morning Dad". I said as I gave him a hug.

"Morning, Mama. Is everything good in the front? " He said as he hugged me back.

"Yup, everything's ready to go,"

"That's my girl. Now go to school, and come home to help out with the restaurant. If you need to stay after for anything, just call me ok. " He said with worry in his eyes.

I rolled my eyes at him. He always worries too much about me. I mean, I'm 17 in the middle of my senior year of high school, and I could take care of myself.

"Alright, Dad. Have a good day. You too guys".

As I walk out, I hear a 'you too, Jen'. I make sure I got everything I need and the walk out. My school is only 5 minutes away from home so I walk there. Plus, I'm still saving up for a car. As I walk down the street, I get bored, so I take out my phone and head my phone and put on Chop Suey System of a Down to pass the time. (Note that I love System Of A Down) As I walk across streets, dodge bikes, and ignore assholes. I finally get to school.

Let me tell you something about my school: it's literally a school full of Mafia kids. My best friend is from the Spanish Mafia, his boyfriend, the Irish Mafia. There's all kinds of Mafias in this school. But whatever I've learned to live with it. Speaking of my best friend, I spot him at my locker waiting for me. His name is Joshua, but we call him Josh for short. He's kind of what you expect from a Latino. He's short, a little muscular, and tan.

As I walk to him, he spots me and waves.

"Hey Jen,"

"Hey Josh. How was your weekend?"

"Great me and Henry went on the best date on Saturday." Henry is a tall redhead, very muscular compared to Josh. People think he's a big bully, when in reality, he's a big teddy bear. But if you mess with Josh or me, he'll pound you to the ground. I unlock my locker and start grabbing my stuff from it as we talked.

"That's good. I'm happy for you two. "

"Thanks. The boss said someone important is supposed to be coming back to school today. And we're having dinner at your restaurant. I'm excited to find out who. " He said as he jumped up and down. And I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah, well, they better not be trouble because we already have enough of that here." As soon as I said that, the warning bell rang for class.

"Well, see you after 2nd period. We're walking home together right after 2nd right. " I asked Josh

"Uhm yeah. What kind of question was that. Is it ok if Henry comes".

"Sure. Meet me at the front stairs. "

"Ok, see ya,"

"See ya."

I closed the locker after I was done. See, I have a half schedule, so I have 2 classes every day. I head to AP Calculus. Yes, AP, I've been trying to get the class forever, and I got it. I walked into my class, and I headed to the back of the class to my seat. I look through my bag for my homework. I finally found it and turned it in to the turn in bin. I go back to my seat, take out my notebook, and start writing down the notes.

The second bell rang, meaning the start of first period. Mr. Matt walks in and starts the lesson for today. After the lecture, Mr. Matt passed out practice sheets from the lesson. As soon as I got it, I started on it. I wanted to go to the library and read because I don't really have free time at home. I finished the sheet and walked up to Mr. Matt.

"Here you go sir".

"Jennifer right on time. Would you like a pass for the library? "

"Yes please".

"Alright, I get you a pass while your gathering you're stuff".

"Thank." I walked back to my seat and gathered my stuff. When I was done I walked back to the front of the class. I waited till Mr. Matt was done. When he finished, he passed the pass to me. And as I grabbed it, Mrs. Anderson knocks on the door. One of the students went to open the door. She comes in with someone behind her. And that someone was the one person who I thought I hoped to never see again. I stood there frozen in fear as I watched them enter the class.

"Hello, Mr. Matt. You have a new student in your class. "

"Oh why hello and what would your name be?" Mr. Matt says as he stands up from his seat and goes up to shake her hand.

"My name is Bianca Gonzales." She says with that smirk that haunts my dreams.

Bianca Gonzales is the most feared person in the Spanish Mafia. Why, you ask? Well, she's the Bosses daughter. She's a lesbian so you can imagine all the girls in the school wanted to date her. When we were in elementary school, she bullied me till 9th grade. Apparently, her Dad wanted her to learn more about the Mafia, so he sent her to her grandparents. And the last 2 years were good. But up to this moment, I'm terrified all over again. She looks almost the same. She's 5'9, with tan skin, her long, wavy hair was down almost to her butt, and her brown eyes are as beautiful as ever. She's gotten muscular, I could see that with her sleeveless shirt. And her jeans hug her in the right way so I can see her curves. Wait, why am I thinking like that. She bullied me for years me I shouldn't think like that.

"Good to meet you, Bianca. Welcome to AP Calculus. Can I see you're schedule". She gives him her schedule. "Oh, only 2 classes a day, hm. Well class why don't we introduce our selfs? " I got scared.

"Uhm Mr. Matt c-can I j-just head to the l-library now." I said, stuttering while hiding my face so Bianca couldn't recognize me.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Bianca checking me out. When she did, I wished I wore my baggy jeans.

"Well, Ms. Carbone, since we have a new student, you have to stay. Plus, I only trust you to show her around. So please take a seat. " I nodded my head and went to my seat.

As people introduced them self's, I put my head down. I could feel Bianca's eyes on me. I shifted a little because she was making me uncomfortable. When it was finally my turn, I slowly stood up. I kept my head down, though.

"Uhm Ms. Carbone can you please look at Ms. Gonzales when your introducing your self". I gulped lowly so no one could hear it. I lifted my head slowly and as soon as I looked into her warm brown eyes, they widen.

"H-hi my name is J-Jennifer C-Carbone".

Then I saw the same smirk she would give when she has something planed for me. I'm so fucking dead.

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