VI: cassettes, colors, & concerns

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"They point out the colors in you, I see 'em too
And, boy, I like 'em."

(No Tears Left to Cry by Ariana Grande)

"What's your address?" Thor asked as he started the car.

"I'm actually going to Tony's, so if you don't mind...?"

"Of course not! His place is just off Main Street, right?"

"Yeah, you've been there?"

"A couple times. I usually go to pick up Steve, but I've ended up hanging out once or twice. Did you get all your things?"

"Yep. You sure you don't want your shirt back?"

"Yeah, it's fine. Besides, yours is still soaked."

"Thanks," Bruce smiled.

"Anytime," Thor smiled back, pushing a cassette into the player and plugging his phone into the cord that was attached to it.

"This lets me play music from my phone, since this car doesn't have an aux cord," Thor explained after seeing Bruce's confused expression.

"Oh, that's neat. What are you gonna play?"

"I was thinking something like this," Thor smiled, pressing play and starting the drive to Tony's while Bruce tried to figure out the singer.

A few seconds later, it hit him. "Ariana Grande."

Thor grinned. "Good ear."

"Didn't expect you to be a fan."


"Well, maybe."

"Did Tony not tell you that he calls me a feminist lesbian warrior?"

"What? No! I'm going to strangle him."

Thor laughed, throwing his head back and making Bruce grin. God, he's cute when he laughs. "Please do. And record it. And send it to me."

"You got it."

They sat in a comfortable silence then, listening to the song and smiling. Thor began humming along and tapping his fingers to the beat, but his humming quickly turned into quiet singing.

Bruce grinned. "Why so quiet?"

"It annoys Loki when I sing, so I didn't know if you'd be annoyed too."

"Of course not! Sing as loud as you want."

Thor did as he was told, although it was an octave lower than the song. He had a nice voice; not horrible, not star-worthy. Just average.

Bruce really liked it.

Thor bopped his head from side to side as he sang, with occasional overdramatic face expressions. Bruce laughed a lot (how could he not?), and by the end of the song, his face hurt from smiling, and he could practically feel abs forming.

thor, bruce, & tutoringWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt