VII: playlists, games, & stars

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"You're a sky full of stars,
Such a heavenly view."

(A Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay)

"How long has it been? These tutoring sessions of yours?" Loki asked one Thursday night during dinner.

"About two weeks I think?"

"I'm guessing it's been going well?"

"Fantastic. Bruce is so smart, and he gets really excited about biology. It's cute," Thor gushed, his cheeks turning pink. "Oh, and we started making playlists for each other."

"Ah, so that's why you haven't been listening to Ariana lately."

"Yeah," Thor said with a grin. And then, softer, "I really like him."

"So you've said," Loki sighed, scooping up some rice with his chopsticks. "You need to go ahead and ask him out already."

"What if he says no?"

"What if he says yes?"

"...What if I do a trial date?"

Loki scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "What in the ever-loving f-"

"I'll ask him to come to the basketball game tomorrow, and then we can go get ice cream or something and I'll take him home. If it goes well, I'll ask him out for a real date."

"Why don't you just ask him now?"

"Because! I have to get my confidence up!"

Loki sighed. "Fine. But you can't just go get ice cream; go over to Heimdall's, too."

"Oh, that's a great idea! Thank you, brother!"

"I know. And you're welcome."

Marvel High's basketball team did exceptionally well that night becauseThor was playing his best due to the fact that Bruce was there. (The victory was even sweeter because they crushed their mortal enemy, Hydra High.)

Thor jogged over with a smile to where Bruce was standing on the sidelines. "Hey!"

"Hey," Bruce smiled back. "You did good out there."

"Thanks. Want to grab some celebratory ice cream? My treat."

"I can't exactly say no to free food, now, can I?"

Thor grinned. "No, you cannot. I'm super sweaty though, so I'm going to take a quick shower. Do you mind waiting?"

"Not at all."

"Alrighty," Thor said with a wave as he turned and jogged back to where Steve was watching the interaction.

"So," Steve began, a knowing smile creeping onto his face, "you finally got a date, huh?"

Thor shrugged. "Kind of. It's not exactly a date, more of a... trial date. So I can work up the nerve to actually ask him out."

"That sounds like a wimp move, but okay."

"You have nothing to fret about, my dear Captain. I'll ask him out soon."

thor, bruce, & tutoringWhere stories live. Discover now