VIII: poptarts, nicknames, & frozen yogurt

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"I don't wanna be your friend,
I wanna kiss your kneck."

(Fallingforyou by the 1975)

Bruce sat up with a jolt and looked around rapidly, his heart rate increasing. This wasn't his room. Where was he?

He took deep breaths to calm himself and tried to remember what had happened the previous night. He barely remembered falling asleep under the stars and Thor driving him somewhere, probably his house. He looked around the room and recognized some of the furniture to be Thor's. Where was said blond, then?

Bruce got up and stretched once his heart rate returned to normal, and his eyes landed on a note on the bedside table.

Good morning, Bruce! There are some clean clothes on my desk chair for you to change into if you want (they're probably a little large though). I'll be downstairs if you need me! Feel free to raid the cabinets/fridge for food and drinks :)

- Thor

Bruce smiled and unfolded the clothes, holding them up to himself. They were definitely too large, but his jeans weren't the most comfortable, and Thor's clothes smelled like him. Plus, it wasn't every day he had the chance to wear his crush's oversized sleepwear.

He changed into the sweatpants and shirt, then headed downstairs. Thor was grabbing a box from a cupboard and turned at the sound of footsteps.

He grinned at Bruce, giving a cheery, dorky, "Top of the morning, to you, Bruce."

"Good morning to you, too, Thor. Thanks for letting me crash in your bed."

"Anytime. Did you sleep well?" Thor asked, taking a packet of poptarts out of the box and opening it, nibbling on the outer crust.

"That was probably the best sleep I've had in a good while," Bruce answered truthfully, stretching his arms up above his head. Thor began coughing wildly, his face turning red.

Bruce rushed over and patted his back. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Thor choked out, pointing at his poptart. "Inhaled."

"God, you almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you were dying or something."

"I was," Thor grinned at him cheekily, his cheeks still flushed.

Bruce gave him an unamused look. "Ha, ha," he said dryly.

"You would have saved me," Thor said roughly with a wave of his hand before going back to nibbling at his poptart as he walked to the living room. He plopped down on the couch, Bruce following suit, the dogs jumping up in between them.

A little while later, Bruce and Thor were still sitting on the couch when Bruce asked, "What time is it?"

"About eleven forty-five-ish. Why?"

"I have a boxing lesson later."

Thor sat up to see Bruce more clearly over the dogs. "You take boxing?"

thor, bruce, & tutoringWhere stories live. Discover now