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You would think the countless times that I've been returned to the home over the years, my room would symbolise something of my one; a piece of my past perhaps.


The only thing which was remotely personalised in this cell of four dull walls were the artwork taped up against the off-white paint. One of the key factors which Rosa mentions when a couple of potential foster parents come in is the fact that I can produce a picture on paper. The reason being is that I've always been able to draw what I know. This causes multiple pieces of coloured paper to be filled with charcoal drawings of thinning bones and darkened shadows.

I don't know anything else.

My bed was a small twin bed with white blankets and quilts, the only piece of colour is the large orange pillow which has been in my life for multiple years. It's one which engulfs you when your fragile head hits its feathered body.

A knock sounded against the wooden door which locks me away from the rest of the world. A small blonde head popped around the corner as it creaked open. It was Tommy. A small boy around the age of 13. His blond hair fell to his shoulders and he had bright blue eyes which could dig deep into your soul.

"Ada?" His voice was deep and sometimes cracked. Poor boy; puberty is not fun mate.

"Dinner is ready, and Rosa says you have to come down. That you know the rules."

Those fucking rules.

"Rule 12: You must sit at the table when every meal is called, however, I won't force you to eat anything sweet pea."

That bloody nickname. I fucking hate it.

"I'm coming to Tommy, give me a sec I need to go to the loo," I replied as I pushed my self around his frame, ruffling his hair as I passed. This was responded with an annoyed groan and a slapping of my hand away.

When I got to the loo I locked the door, something which was Rosa rarely allowed anymore. As I looked at myself in the reflection I can't help but wonder what Sue would think. I sounded huffy before - I know. That doesn't mean that I actually don't want to be adopted. I do, but I'm almost 18. It's a little late now.

My sunken in cheeks and high cheekbones were the most predominant feature on my face. The main thing people notice when they first glance at me. Sunken in hazel eyes are next. I normally drown them in a black eyeliner and eyeshadow to deepen them into my face more. Normally rosy lips are now dry and peeling, no matter how much Vaseline I put on. My hair was just resting on my shoulders, the dark brown matted mess was another thing which I would rather not have to deal with.

No matter how long I look in the mirror, I've never been able to understand why people think I'm sick. I'm not sick - I don't feel unhealthy. But I guess that's not what everyone else wants to hear.

After successfully filling my stomach with water from the reflective faucet, I unlocked the bathroom door, pulling it open and trudging out. I pulled the oversized beige shirt over my hands, a nervous habit of mine, and made my way downstairs.

Once there, I was greeted by the sight of 9 other children a variety of ages. None of the dining chairs matched, adding a more personal touch to the shared area of the house. In front of these chairs was a plate, filled with lots of different foods been set out for them bu Rosa.

As I went to sit down, my knees clicking at the sudden bending of them, I was greeted with a smiling Tommy in front of me - phone in hand.

"Aren't you way too young to be using a dating app?" I questioned, my eyes scanning the table to see Rosa just begin to sit down. I was by far the oldest.

"Don't be stupid Ada! You know what I'm doing." He says gesturing to the plate in front of me.


"Yeah! Come on!" He smiled slyly in his seat and I exhaled before shaking my arms out as if warming up for some type of race.

"Okay, 280 for the pork, 350 for the buttered noodles, 125 for the buttered bean, 150 for the roll, and 50-- No, 75 for butter," I said, pointing to each thing on my plate while he stares at me with an expression of pure wonder.

"You got it. All of it. Damn it!" He said, turning off his older phone and placing it in his lap. I let out an exaggerated cheer and waved my fist as if I had just won a gold medal.

"My God, it's like you have calorie Asperger's."

"Tommy!" Rosa interrupted, "-what did I say about using the Lord's name?"


The rest of dinner was uneventful. Mainly me poking the wobbling meat on my plate and Rosa scolding the younger children to eat their vegetables.

It was only then when Rosa announced that I was leaving tomorrow did the news sink in. The smaller children's faces fell and tears began to swell in their eyes. I thought of them as nothing more but annoying siblings but I guess they would actually miss me greatly.

One by one, they all came and gave me a hug before retreating to their rooms. Tommy was the last.

"I can't believe you're leaving." He mumbled against my shoulder and I bent down slightly to be his height. He was the only one which I had really gotten close too.

I stroked his blonde locks and pulled him closer before whispering in his ear. "It's okay mate. You can call and I'm sure when you can drive you can come to see me. Or possibly, you could come with Rosa when she does those check-ups."

He just sniffed in return, pulling his head back to allow me to witness the tears which had gathered in his icy blue eyes. "I love you, Ada."

"I love you too kid."

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