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A D A 

A FOUR HOUR car journey with Rosa wasn't on my bucket list, let alone to someone's house who would become my legal guardian. As the truck went past different street signs and cafés all I would think about was how much this woman would regret this choice, the chores in which she is going to have to undertake due to Rosa. I love Rosa, and I am thankful for her don't get me wrong. But she just doesn't understand. I don't need the multiple pointless rules she makes to keep me 'healthy'. There isn't anything wrong with me. It's like I'm everyone is looking at me through a warped mirror; they see me, but they also see something wrong. That is not the 'right' image or person I should be.

As much as I want to believe Sue will be fine, I know if she is Rosa's friend, I will have to follow the rules. Who knows she might even make more. Whoopie.

By moving this far out of Seattle I have to change doctors too, thank god. Doctor Quinn was getting on my last nerve, asking the same moronic questions, again and again, to receive the same bored and dull answer from me. Sue would be taking me to my appointment next week where ill meet my new doctor. Please let it be a fucking good one I don't think I could stand another asshole. Don't get me wrong, Quinn didn't do anything necessarily bad, but he just got on my last nerve after a year and a half. Recommending me for in patients which were a waste of time and money, but it gave Rosa hope.

So I went along with it.

After passing through the small grey town of Forks I thought I couldn't see a smaller town. I was wrong. As we pulled into the drive of a tiny blue cottage I felt my chest begin to tighten. There wasn't a lot of places to run, nor visit. Upon my immediate glance around La Push, it seemed the type of place where everyone knows each other and now I'm the outsider.

Oh, Joy.

Rosa was the first to exit the car, pulling open the back to get ready to unload my belongings into my new home. The front door opened and a middle-aged woman emerged. She had long black hair with a kind face, a smile permanently resting on her pink lips.

"Hi, Rosa darling!" She said as she began to descend the steps towards my current guardian.

"Sue! How wonderful to see you, and see the house again. How's Leah and Seth?" Rosa responds pulling my black suitcase from the back and resting it at her feet before pulling Sue down into a hug.

"They're doing good, out with friends at the moment but they'll be back for dinner" She turned to me still in the passenger seat of the car refusing to accept that this is real. First impressions, Sue is too good to deal with my fucking hormonal depressive ass.

I could see the look Rosa was giving me from over Sue's shoulder, her cray blonde hair falling over her eyes but I could still see the message in them. Get your butt out of the car Adeline. With a sharp intake of breath, I pulled my large sunglasses onto the top of my head holding the whispy parts of my hair back and pulled the car door open. With a sigh, I landed from the drop of Rosa's four by four car which a woman as small as her did not need. 

I pulled my sleeves over my hands and fingers before smiling at Sue.

"Hey sweetheart, I'm guessing you're Adeline?"


"Adeline don't be rude." Rosa hissed from behind Sue until the dark-haired lady pushed her hand forward for me to shake.

"It's alright Rosa. Hey Ada, how are you doing today?"

"I'm good, feels colder out here than in the city" I pulled my body warmer further into myself, as I took her outstretched hand. I now wanted to either be back in that monster of a car or at least get my coat which has sleeves. 

She laughed before smiling at me, "You'll get used to that. We're right on the coast so the breeze from the ocean does affect us here. Gets windier too." 

How brilliant. 

"Right, let's get your stuff into your room and then we can have a chat about everything." She went to the car and pulled out my old red backpack from the car. I decided I should probably attempt to help, so I grabbed my large orange cushion. 

Sue led the way into the house. It was definitely small but erupted with this cosy and homely feel which I could relate to Rosa's in a way. As soon as you came in the front door there was a kitchen diner on the left. Directly opposite there was an archway which led to a small sitting room fully equipped with comfy sofas and a roaring fire. As we went up the stairs, I noticed pictures littered the wall next to the stairs. 

She stopped by one of the three doors upstairs and opened it to reveal an empty bedroom which I gathered would be mine. 

Inside was a small twin single bed pushed up against one of the walls, a set of draws within a dresser and a small desk under one of the two windows with a view of the luscious green forest. The walls were pale green with grey curtains covering the sides of both windows. The sheets were also a paler grey with green leaves on the underside of the duvet cover. Along the bottom of the bed, there was a dark green quilt which looked well-loved and handmade. This did make me smile, already Sue had done something which she didn't need to for me.

My bags were put on the floor by the end of the bed while I chucked my pillow on top of the two already placed on the mattress. We quickly made our way downstairs to the rounded kitchen table, which was an older dark chestnut wood with a blue fruit bowl placed in the centre. Rosa pulled out the dreaded folder from her tote bag; this is full of the rules and regulations I now live by.

"The rules which we spoke about are in here, as well as a list of things which we can make her eat; there's a sticky note with what we cannot seem to get down her throat." Rosa pulled out a red plastic paper wallet with a sticker which read 'HOUSE RULES' at the top right corner.

Sue smiled as she pulled this out of Rosa's grasp before looking back at her again waiting for her to continue.

"These are her past medical documents, a list of all her inpatients and her weight/BMI tracker here." This came in the form of a green paper wallet, this time with a label which read 'MEDICAL'.

Yeah because we couldn't work that out.

"I bought a set of scales with us too. Her old doctor, Doctor Quill, requested that we keep a weekly tab on her weight gain and I believe this will continue with the new hospital." I started to zone out at this point, this happens with every foster parent meeting. The rundown of Adeline Willow. Fantastic.


Saying goodbye to Rosa was a bittersweet moment. This was the woman that put her whole self into looking after me and making an effort to try and find me a permanent home. She's looked after me for the last four years; I can't help but get teary. She pulled me into a warm hug, telling me how she was a phone call away, and to let her know how I am doing now and then.

"Be good." These were her final words to me before she kissed my forehead and jumping back into her car. Sue and I stood on the porch at the top of the steps as we waved her bye.

"So," Sue said, "what do you want to do today?"

[AN - HI HELLO I'm not dead i promise. I know this book is actually meant to be on hold but i had a sudden burst of inspiration while being back from uni. I'm currently attempting to keep up with my uni work so that's why i have been such a shit author with all of my books. I'm currently writing parts and they will be updated within the next week hopefully (if you are also a fan of my other books :) [cheeky little plug why not?] I hope everyone is doing good and staying safe, have an amazing Christmas season <3]

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2020 ⏰

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