Chapter 24: Parties

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As the holidays progressed, Harry got better and better at Occlumency. He was able to block anyone's attempt to penetrate his mind. Bella had moved on to teaching him how to show fake images when he wanted to.
Bella had also undertaken teaching Harry how to dance. He was by no means as skilled at dancing as he was at Occlumency, but by the first Christmas party they attended he was passable. Bella knew that the girls he would be dancing with would be able to help him. She continued to school him in dancing as they continued through the party circuit. First the Crabbes, then the Goyles, the Parkinsons, the Zabini-Greengrass joint party, the Notts, and finally, the Bullstrodes.
The more parties they went to, the better Harry got. Daphne Greengrass, especially, was able to help Harry. Her ability to steer him helped Harry finally fully grasp the steps. Neither was really sure when it happened, but by her party, Harry was no longer being steered, he was steering. He was so grateful, that he sent Daphne a thank-you note with some Honeydukes chocolate.
By the day of the Malfoy party, Harry's dance skills were almost as good as Draco's. Harry was proud of this fact and his hard work. He was looking forward to this party. Bella had allowed Harry a good, long look at the guest list. He recognized many of the names as his fellow Slytherins, but there were also many that he did not recognize. He looked forward to meeting everyone, even if it would be only as Harry Potter. They couldn't risk word getting to Dumbledore of Harry's new knowledge.
At 4:45, Harry, Draco, and Alexander ran upstairs to change into their best robes. Harry would be joining the receiving line with the rest of the family. At 5:25, Lucius and Narcissa lowered the wards at the front gate, allowing their guests to arrive. They all lined up at the door at precisely 5:29, and at 5:30, a flurry of guests Apparating took Harry by surprise. The families all gracefully ascended the stairs and greeted the Malfoys, Harry and Alexander, and the Riddles. Harry could easily tell who knew the truth about him; they all smiled at seeing him standing next to Bella and Violet rather than next to Draco like Alexander was.
As the arrivals dwindled, Harry was able to get a better look at the people who were arriving. They were all dressed in their best robes, many wearing priceless jewelry. The men all wore family rings and led their wives by the arm. Finally, it seemed, the receiving was done. The Malfoys started to turn from their spot in line. However, Bella stopped them.
"One more guest, sister dearest. Invited at my request. I hope you don't mind."
"Not at all, sister."
"Thank you." She turned to Draco. "And thank you, Draco, for your kindness and for looking out for my Harry." Draco looked at his aunt, confused. However, his attention was immediately diverted by a loud 'crack'. Now standing on the top step were Hermione and Dobby.
"Hi Draco. Hi Harry. Hi Flea." She turned to Bella. "Mrs. Riddle, thank you for inviting me. Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy, thank you also for allowing me to come. It's great to finally meet you." Narcissa recovered from her shock first.
"Of course, dear. Come in! It is wonderful to meet you as well. Draco has told us so much about you. You look ravishing. Dobby please escort Miss Granger to the ballroom."
"Yes, mistress. Miss Granger will please follow Dobby?"
"I'll see you guys later." Harry Draco and Alexander all nodded. Once she was out of sight, Harry turned to Bella.
"Thanks, mum."
"Of course, dear. She's your friend, muggleborn or not. By the way, she knows the truth. She has been practicing the basics of Occlumency on her own, and will join you in your lessons with Severus. She has been doing quite well, I can tell. I was unable to penetrate her mind, although I did not press too hard." Harry hugged her.
"You're the best, mum." Bella beamed then looked to Narcissa and Lucius.
"We should join our guests."
"Oh, of course, sister." Narcissa turned to Draco. "You never told us what a beautiful girl Miss Granger is." Harry smiled. Even he had to admit that Hermione looked amazing. She had managed to sleek her hair down into a French twist with ringlets similar to the style Daphne had worn at several parties. She wore just a bit of makeup, and had on a gorgeous purple gown beneath her over-robes.
Harry followed his aunt, uncle, and cousin to the ballroom to start the party. When they entered the room, Lucius gave a short speech welcoming their guests to his home and thanking them for coming, as was custom. He then led his wife to the dance floor to start the first dance. Harry asked Bella to dance, earning him a thankful glance from Draco who went to claim Hermione for the dance. Harry chuckled a bit as he watched Alexander nearly trip over himself asking Violet to dance. His little sister looked quite pretty in a dark purple muggle dress underneath a pale green outer robe.
"That was very nice of you, Harry."
"Nonsense, I wanted to dance with you, mum." Bella smiled.
"Thank you, dear." When the song ended, Harry began his "rounds" as he liked to think of them. He wound his way through the guests, making sure to speak to everyone, at least for a moment. After that was done, Harry offered to dance with the girls who were within three years of his age in either direction. He had made it about halfway through when dinner was announced. Harry quickly made his way to Hermione who had no one to escort her in, as Draco was escorting Bella.
"You look very nice, Mia."
"Thanks, Harry. You don't look half bad yourself." He smiled and took her to sit near Draco, knowing that her nameplate would be next to his, allowing her to get to know the family.
"One thing, Mia."
"Yes, Harry?"
"I'm sure the Malfoys will ask you lots of questions. They're curious and they're testing you. Don't get embarrassed or angry. Answer honestly, or jokingly, whichever you prefer, but stay calm to earn their respect."
"Thanks, Harry." He pulled out the chair for her and helped her sit.
"You're welcome, Mia." He then proceeded to the other side of the table to sit by Bella and Violet. Hermione smiled to see them together. She was happy Harry had at least some family, despite Dumbledore's best attempts.
As soon as the first course had been served, the questions began. Draco gave Hermione an apologetic look, then stayed out of it, knowing that it would only get worse if he interfered. They asked her about her childhood, her parents (the fact that they were well-off "healers" seemed to help the Malfoy's opinion of them), her schooling before Hogwarts, her experiences in the muggle world, her hobbies, and so on and so forth, the questions becoming more pointed and personal as dinner went on.
Following Harry's advice, Hermione answered them all sweetly and carefully, unknowingly earning her a good standing with the Malfoys, and a better standing than she already held with Bellatrix, who credited her with Harry's homecoming.
When dinner was done, Draco congratulated Mia for having survived his parents, and asked her for the first dance, which she accepted. Harry asked Daphne for the first dance, wanting to show her just how much his technique had improved. As he was twirling her effortlessly around the floor, Daphne complimented him on his abilities.
"You're much improved, Harry."
"Thanks, Daphne. It's mostly thanks to you. Bellatrix was beginning to doubt I would ever truly grasp the concepts of dancing."
"We all had faith in you, Harry."
"Thanks, Daphne."
"You're welcome, Harry." Harry continued to make his way through the girls, eventually reaching Hermione. He congratulated her as well, earning himself a thanks for his warning. He danced with his sister next, who smiled up at him before heading back over to her seat next to Alexander. Harry finally made it to the last girl, Luna Lovegood. She was pretty in an ethereal way. She was as pale as Narcissa with white-blonde hair. She was thin in a fragile way, as though the merest touch would break her, but she seemed to radiate an inner strength and energy. Harry had wanted to save her for last.
"Miss Lovegood, may I have the pleasure of this dance?"
"Please call me Luna, Harry."
"Very well, Luna, would you care to dance?"
"Yes, of course, Harry." She curtsied. Harry led her out to the dance floor, and led her effortlessly around.
"You're a very accomplished dancer, Harry Riddle." Harry nearly fell, his shock was so great.
"Luna, how did you know?"
"It's very obvious. Mrs. Riddle is very protective of you. She keeps an eye on her no matter where you are, but there is no possessiveness like Draco has around Hermione."
"You're very observant, Luna."
"Thank you, Harry. How are you liking Hogwarts?"
"It's great. It's like finally having a home."
"That's wonderful, Harry. I imagine this place is even more like home." Harry thought for a moment.
"You're right. It is." As the dance neared an end, Harry found himself not wanting to leave Luna, but he knew it would be inappropriate to ask her for another. He led her back to her father and bowed. "Luna, do you mind if I write to you?"
"No, of course not, Harry. That would be great. Can I write to you too?" Harry smiled at the odd question.
"Of course you can, Luna. I'll look forward to it." As the night came to a close, families slowly left, those with young children leaving first. As Luna left, Harry walked her out saying good-bye to both her and her father before they Apparated away.
By the time Dobby transported Hermione back to her parents, Harry and Draco were exhausted. The Malfoys made sure to compliment Hermione as an excellent friend for the boys despite her heritage. They both rolled their eyes, knowing it would take a while for the Malfoys to fully accept Hermione. They walked up to their rooms and fell into bed.

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