Jotaro x Reader (Seduced in the Spa)

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You woke, you're hands sliding through the crisp, clean sheets. You were staying at a very nice hotel with Jotaro, Kakyoin, Polnareff, Avdol, and old man Joseph. Your eyes opened and you saw Jotaro looking at you only inches from your face. You shrieked and fell backwards out of the bed, pulling the sheets off of the bed with you. He sighed.
"Give me a break." He huffed. You blushed and chucked your slipper at him.
"Don't be an ass!" You growled.
"I have been trying to wake you up for five minutes, now." He said, looking down at you with those piercing green eyes, anger furrowing his dark eyebrows. You felt embarrassment shadow your eyes.
"O-oh....sorry..." You blushed even deeper. You stood up and waited for him to leave the room so that you could get dressed.
"You don't have to dress fancy, we're spending time at the pool today." He said, shutting the door. You let the sheets fall to the floor and began getting dressed. You slid on your bathing suit, throwing a thin shawl on over it. You got your sunglasses and sun hat, heading for the elevator to meet the crew by the pool. You admired the fancy interior of the elevator as you descended. When the big doors split, you were greeted by the nice, spacious lobby. You went to the pool entrance and breathed in the smell of the chlorine. It didn't really smell all that good, but it reminded you of long days in the sun with your family. You went to the edge of the pool and dipped a toe in. It was perfect. The room was humid and sweaty, but the water was crisp and cool. You put your stuff down and got ready to get in, but suddenly you heard a yell. Avdol ran past you and did a massive cannonball. It drenched you and you huffed. You wanted to get in slowly, but that wasn't going to happen. You heard Polnareff and Kakyoin come up behind you and they each grabbed one of your arms. Your eyes bulged.

"HEY HEY WAIT!!!!!!" You screamed as they yelled and jumped in with you. When you surfaced you pouted and looked at them disapprovingly. They laughed and swam around, splashing at eachother. Jotaro began to slowly get in, but Joseph grabbed him and dragged him in. Jotaro surfaced right behind you and you blushed as you felt the water ripple. You turned and playfully splashed his shoulder. He just glared and then swam away. You floated around in the pool happily and relaxed, but when you were splashed a few times you grew frustrated. You got out and headed outside to the hot tub. It was very relaxing, and the day was cold and drizzly, so the ambience was perfect. You spent a little time in the tub, but then decided to play around in the hotel. There were activities and a buffet, so you were busy for a while.


Later that night you decided to revisit the hot tub. It was abandoned since it was almost midnight and because it was so cold. You slipped in and turned the jets on, along with the bubbles.
"Mmm~" You purred as the hot water caressed your body. You leaned over the small lip that allowed you to look down on the city, resting your elbows on the edge calmly. It was such a beautiful night, and the rain trickled into the water, adding to the perfect atmosphere. You heard a quiet splash behind you and turned to see Jotaro getting in. You turned back around and blushed bright red. He was shirtless....He had been wearing a white t shirt earlier and you hadn't seen much of his body, but now it was out there in the open. Every muscle, every curve...You felt two hands firmly grasp your hips and you yelped. It was him.
"J-Jotaro-kun..." You whimpered. His hands were firm. You felt two lips gently caress your earlobe and you whined.
"Close your eyes." He said firmly. 'What's with the sudden change of heart?' You thought. You did as he asked and shut your eyes, focusing on the feeling of his hands on your body. You whimpered and felt them slide up into your bikini, freeing your breasts from the safety of your top.
"J-Jo....Jotaro..." You whispered breathlessly.
"Shh...Don't speak..." He said, biting your neck softly and massaging your breasts. The hot water hid the lower half's of your bodies. You whimpered and clenched your hands into fists as he pinched your nipples, gently squeezing them. His lips trailed across your neck and to your jaw. Your face and shoulders burned as he touched you.
"Jo...." You moaned breathlessly. His hands pushed you up on to the lip of the hot tub so that your bottom was out of the water and you were left to shiver in the cold air. He massaged your rear for a bit, before pulling the bottom of your bikini down, exposing everything that you had to offer. You tried to pull them back up, but he spread you open and began to lick, sending weakness through your limbs. You started trembling and whimpered loudly as he slid his tongue through your folds.
"J-Jotaro!" You gasped, your eyes rolling back as he grazed your clit with his teeth. He reached up and covered your mouth, sliding a finger past your lips. You began to softly suck on it and your eyelids fluttered. Jotaro had been so cold to you this whole time, ever since you had met, and you disliked him for acting to cruel. However, as soon as his tongue had made contact with your tender woman hood, those feelings vanished. He began to leave a trail of kisses up your back to your lips and you felt his bulge against your backside, even though his thick swim trunks still separated your bodies. Your lips crashed together and he forced his tongue inside immediately. Your eyes rolled a little as he closed one hand around your throat playfully. He had Star Platinum pull his trunks down, and they drifted away to the other side of the hot tub. You blushed darkly as you felt his bare skin against your own.
"J-Jotaro....Wait...." You muttered, terrified of feeling him stretching you. He removed his hand from your neck and closed it around your mouth. Your eyes widened a little. He wasn't going to take no for an answer. He moved his hips a bit, and you felt his hardened member pulse against you. You whimpered and shut your eyes tightly, preparing for the pain that was sure to come.
"Ladies and Gentlemen. The pool and spa have closed. Please leave the pool area and enjoy your stay at Luxury Inn!" Said a voice over the speakers. Jotaro sighed and released you. 

"Yare yare...." He grumbled. You were trembling and half naked, your body ready, though the time wasn't right. 

"I-I suppose we should go inside and bathe then...." You said, pushing yourself off of the ledge and into the water. You pulled your bikini back up and watched Jotaro as he pulled his trunks on. He left the spa and smirked in the dim light. You were all alone, trembling and aroused.

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