Chapter One

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Her mind was flooding.

Her eye's were flooding. Flooding with fresh hot tears scattering down her cheeks, stained with fear. She needed to pass out, she felt it. The heated surrounding hemmed her in, suffocating her with warm air. Her hands clawed at the patch of soil beneath her as she breathed in the heavy fume around her, her eyes stinging.

"Doctor!" Clara cried.

No answer.

"Doctor!" her voice shallow from her sobs. broken.

She pushed her palms upwards from the surface, finding extra support from her knees. She found her balance on her feet but her legs were too weak to hold her upright. I'm going to die was all that went through her mind. The fluid in her head was spinning, rotating her view around. Her fragile heart felt like poison thrumming through her. Through all the veins it was connected to. 

I'm going to die

I'm going to die...

Her finger tips rested on each side of her temples, her eyes squeezed shut. It will be okay... 

"All I need to do is shut my eyes and stare at blank, then it will all end" she whispered, fingers digging into her skin.

Then her knees gave up. Her legs collapsed on the ground, her bones weak. She curled up into a ball. Fingers closed into her palms, carving a perfect fist. Her figure shook as her she wept into the damp dirt.

At that moment she heard a thump vibrate throughout the distance. She silenced her self, taking small breaths. Her body becoming tense to the unknown sound. 


There it was, that voice. A voice that would never give up on her, but she couldn't predict that...

She stayed silent.

"Clara!" The voice now visible. She felt the beat of hefty boots running towards her laying a finger on her pulse, checking her for any damage done. But what was the point now? she'd rather die here alone and mourn at her own funeral.

A strong hand held her head up bringing her towards him, his arms secured around her.

"Doctor" she breathed in his shoulder.

"Clara, it's all fine. It's all fine..." he sighed in her thick hair, resting his chin on her shoulder. His palm rubbing soothing circles on her back.

"I..." she gulped, the words clogged up in her throat.

"Ssh, it's okay" 

He knew she was going to apologies, but for what? all his affection is released now, affection for Clara, that she is safe. That she is okay, that she is his impossible girl.

They embraced there in the slow killing atmosphere before he carried her in the TARDIS. 


Clara sat in the captain chair in the console, welcoming the warm feeling of lights in the room. A blanket hung down from her shoulders, the fragrance of her hair scenting the interior. It was the shampoo he bought her from their last trip.

"Why did you do it?" the Doctor said, leaning against the main console.

"Do what?" she looked up at him, her eyes meeting his. She knew what she did, she just wanted to disguise the past away.

"Going through all the struggle to save me"

She looked down at her lap, strands of chestnut hair falling infront of her eyes.

"I know your brave and you can battle anything in your path, but sometimes it's better safe than sorry"

"I...I just thought that I needed to help. I wanted to help you" She looked up at him.

He could see unshed tears in her eyes, making them glossy and glisten. He sighed, he felt wrong for creating the conversation after the torture she'd just been through. She was trying to save him, she tried.  

He knelt down in front of her. His green eyes wondering around her fine structured face, he kissed her forehead.

"My impossible girl"

My impossible girl...

She felt butterflies glide in her stomach, fluttering. Butterflies flying with one another, their wings aligned with each other. Their colours composed together. But what happens when one flies away? what happens when your colour is blind to another?

Then your world is black and white, Clara.

"Always?" she breathed, swatting away the taunting voice that slept in her mind.

"Always" he smiled.

She felt the corners of her lips tugging up, her dimples visible. The beam that portrayed her beauty visible.

She wanted to be visible to him.

Apple Locket (Whouffle- Doctor Who)Where stories live. Discover now