Chapter 3: Getting to Know eachother

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"I also have one more question to ask. Can I come with you please?" Donkey asked politely. Amy nodded, while Raphael responded with "Sure! But just don't be an annoying dog!" Donkey was beaming with excitement. He was happy to have a new friend.

As Donkey, Amy, and Raphael walked back home, Donkey became bored. However, he had an idea. Donkey became deep into his thoughts and thought of singing, and so he did. "We all need! To shine on, to see! How far, we come on our journey!! Hooow Faaaaarrr!! Yet to go!! Searching for our-" 

"Donkey, what did I just tell you a few minutes ago?!" Raphael yelled, while Amy chuckled. "Umm, not to be annoying?" Donkey answered back. "Exactly!!"

Donkey did not properly listen, and continued singing. "STAR! Deep in the night! I pray for my heart!! For that special light! To shower me with love!! To-" 

"Donkey, what did I just tell you?!" Raphael became even more annoyed, Amy chuckled even more. "Sorry, I promise I'll stop." Donkey was rather sarcastic. Raphael glared at Donkey.

A Shrek x Raphael Sorel Fanfiction 0: The OriginsWhere stories live. Discover now