Chapter 6: An Ugly Break-up

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"Ahh! Donkey, where have you been lad?" Shrek was pleased to see Donkey again. "Donkey, I was wondering where you were. Waiting for you made me lose my search for the damn fourth chaos emerald!" Shadow was not satisfied.

"Now now Shadow, no need to get mad. I've only just come back!" Donkey tried settling Shadow down, but that was no use. Shadow went into a fit of rage, and punched Donkey.

Shrek roared furiously. "I KNEW IT! YOU WERE A PSYCHO FROM THE START!! YOU WERE AN EDGY LITTLE COW WHO'S LIFE WAS BASED ON PITY AND DRAMA! I SHOULDN'T HAVE LISTENED TO YOUR SOB STORIES, ESPECIALLY ABOUT MARIA!" This triggered Shadow. "What did you just say about Maria, you fat ogre slob?!" Shadow became violent.

"Oh, and just because I've broken up with Fiona, this gives me no excuse to whine and be an Emo. How about you just get out of here, right now?!" Shrek led Shadow out of the swamp.

The night dawned and Shadow was crying at the door. "S-Shrek....I...didn't mean to upset you...P-Please...forgive me.." Shrek took no notice and cried in Donkey's arms. Donkey cried with him. "It's...all my fault...I'm sorry Shrek.." "D-Donkey...don't feel've heard his sob stories's...n-nonsensical.."

A Shrek x Raphael Sorel Fanfiction 0: The OriginsWhere stories live. Discover now