Chapter 3

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Nagisa's POV

  "Nagisa... Welcome to the world of assassins..."  I stood there in disbelief, did he really just say that? I'm an assassin. I'm an assassin! A wide smile grew on my face however, that didn't last long because I was tired and still sort of feeling the effects of the drugs so within seconds I passed out.

Time skip to the morning

I slowly opened my eyes to see I was sitting at my desk in my uniform, I then remembered the events of the previous night, only to fall back asleep.

Karma's POV

I walked up the hill to Class E no one in sight, as usual I was always the first one here. I yawned considering i hadn't got any sleep last night, my parents were to busy fighting to even care about my sleep schedule. Maybe i'll get some shut eye before everyone arrives I thought as I slid open the door, only to find a sleeping bluety (get it sleeping bluety cause Nagisa has blue hair) but as i approached the boy my eyes grew wide Did he have blood in his hair? N-no i-it cant be... I ran over to check his pulse, Normal pulse, then who's blood was he covered in? Who did he kill?

"Karma? Is that you?" The small male asked the red-head in a groggy morning voice rubbing his eyes which in turn made the sadist blush. 

"Yeah... Nagisa who-who's blood is that?" I asked anxious to hear the answer, if someone laid a hand on my blueberry they're dead!

Nagisa looked at his hair and blushed, his face was now darker that my hair he's so cute when he's embarrassed I thought and internally giggled. Nagisa looked up at me with the most innocent and proud smile and said "It's my moms, I killed her" The small boy giggled, I stood there in shock then snapped back to reality there is no way he killed his mother "Haha, very funny Nagisa!" I replied sarcastically

"I'm not lying. I could never lie to my best friend now could I?" Nagisa spoke in an emotionless tone. He wasn't lying and I could tell. I sighed and replied with "well done" before siting down in my seat at the back of the classroom and falling asleep. I was awoken by Karasuma-sensei walking in and removing Nagisa from the classroom. I waited for the bluenet to walk back in and when he did he had the biggest grin on his face "Why are you so giddy? Finally got a boyfriend Nagisa-chan?" I teased getting the reaction i was hoping for,

"For one i'm a boy and two i'm gonna be a government assassin" He whispered the last part and before I could ask any thing else Nagisa left to go and sort his hair out and wash out the blood.  

A/N Hey guys im sorry if this is really sucky I kinda just went with whatever came to mind and I'm also getting more fish today so I couldn't spend to long on the story. Again im so sorry! I gotta go now Cya!

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