Say Something

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“Who is Charlie?” I asked, walking down the street with Scott after he let go of my hand.

“Huh?” Scott asked, extremely confused.  “Oh!  Charlie’s is the name of the music store Mitch and I run.”

“I didn’t know you ran a music store,” I replied, a bit shocked.

He laughed.  “Most people don’t.  Most people don’t know that we all live here.”

“Do you really?” I asked.  “Wow.  I only lived a little while away from here.”

“Well, lived,” the baritone replied, laughing.  “Mitch and I live in the back and the rest of the group doesn’t live too far from the shop.”

“Cool beans,” I said, quite plainly.  “So, how are we planning to do all of this?”

“Well, it’s almost 4 right now, and the bus leaves in about 2 hours for the next city,” he began, “so Avi thought that we should probably leave in about an hour.  They should be packing up now and getting ready to leave and I think we are taking Kevin’s truck.”

“And his truck will hold all six of us?” I asked.

“It will, believe it or not.  Kirstie, Avi, and Kevin will sit in the front and Mitch will probably sit in the back with us,” he replied.

We talked for a little while longer until we reached Charlie’s.  Scott led me through a couple doors and to the back of the store where we found Mitch.

“Mitch,” Scott said, attempting to get Mitch’s attention, “are you about ready to leave?”

“Yeah,” Mitch replied, without taking his eyes off of the closet.  “I packed a bag for you.  Basically whatever I could fit of yours is in the bag.”

“Cool,” Scott said, turning his attention back to me.  “Is that all you brought?” he asked pointing to my bag.

“Yeah,” I replied quite simply.  “It doesn’t have much in it, just another outfit and my wallet.”  I left out the part about all of my self-harm tools.

“Well, when we head out, we should go shopping,” Scott said.

“OMG shopping is a must,” Mitch said, finally turning around to face Scott and I.  “Hey, you’re that pretty girl from the concert!” he said, shocked, finally realizing who I was.

I blushed slightly.  “I guess I am.”

“Anyway, we have to go shopping,” Mitch said, looking at Scott.

“Mitch,” Scott started, “you barely have enough room in your suitcase as it is.”

“I’ll buy another suitcase.  Duh,” Mitch replied, turning his attention back to his closet.

“We don’t have enough room in Kevin’s truck, and we’d be shopping for Rian,” Scott said, with a slight tone.

“Fine,” Mitch said.  He continued to pack and Scott and I looked around the front of the shop.

We came across an old, antique piano which I immediately ran over to.  I played a couple chords to Say Something when Scott joined in singing the beginning.

“Say something I’m giving up on you

I’ll be the one if you want me to

Anywhere I would have followed you

Say something I’m giving up on you”

I joined in.

“And I am feeling so small

It was over my head

I know nothing at all

And I will stumble and fall

I’m still learning to love

Just starting crawl

Say something I’m giving up on you

I’m sorry that I couldn’t get to you

Anywhere I would’ve followed you

Say something I’m giving up on you”

The last note rang for a moment and the two of us were silent.

“I, um, I didn’t know you sang,” Scott said, breaking the silence, his eyes fixed on the piano keys.

“A little,” I replied, my eyes locked on the ground.

He looked up from the piano keys and I could feel his eyes on me.  I looked up just in time to see Scott getting closer and closer to my face until his lips met mine.  I could instantly feel the sparks and I never wanted him to leave me.  Scott was everything I needed.

“Um, are we interrupting something?” we heard a deep voice say.  The two of us jumped and my hands slammed on the piano keys.  Avi, Kirstie, and Kevin were standing in front of us.

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