The Wounds He Mended

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Kirstie and I went back to our room in the hotel and got ready for the night.  I starred at myself in the mirror for a while.  It was the first time in so long that I actually liked the way I looked, and I couldn’t wait for Scott to see me.  I twirled around in my dress a couple times and laughed.  Kirstie laughed as well.

“I’m so excited for whatever is going on tonight!” I said, getting dizzy, sitting down on my bed to put on my heels.  “What are we doing anyway?”

“You’ll see!  It’s going to be amazing!” Kirstie replied, standing up and grabbing her purse.  She handed my bag and we headed out the door once more.  Kirstie knocked Kevin and Avi’s door and then on Mitch and Scott’s.  “We’ll be in the limo!” she called.

“Limo?” I asked.  Kirstie didn’t reply, instead, she took my arm and dragged me towards the elevator.  We rode downstairs and walked out of the front door of the hotel.  Outside, was the most expensive looking piece of vehicle I’d ever seen.  Kirstie drug me towards the limo and we climbed in.  We sat towards the back and she made me sit in a corner so “Scott wouldn’t get to see me until we got out.”

A minute or so later the guys joined us and we drove off.  When we finally stopped, it was dark outside.  The night was illuminated perfectly by the moon.  We filed out of the limo and stood in front of a boat.

“A boat?” I asked.  Suddenly my hand wasn’t lonely.  It was accompanied by the one and only Scott Hoying.

“You look beautiful,” Scott said, looking into my eyes.  I blushed and looked down at my feet.  I could already tell that tonight was going to be perfect.  Scott and I walked up to the boat and got on.  The others waved at us as the boat set sail.

“Are they not coming with us?” I asked.

“Nope,” he replied, quite simply.  “Tonight I just want to be with you.”

I put my hands on the railing or the boat and gripped.  Scott put his arms around me and set his hands on top of mine.  The moment was perfect.

“Rian, I really like you.  So there’s something that I want to do, something I’m giving up for you.”  Scott moved next to me and reached his hand into his pocket.  He pulled out an old looking but incredibly sharp blade.  He kissed it and threw it into the water.

“Before I met you, I honestly thought I was going to kill myself before I was 20 and now that you’ve come into my life, I’ve realized that I have something to live for.  And that’s you.  I couldn’t for anyone else to be with me right now.  Rian, I love you.  I know I haven’t known you for that long, but I love you.  And I want to use all of my being to make sure that you never feel alone again.  That you feel loved and wanted.  You are a perfect and I wouldn’t want to be here with anyone else.”

By this point I was in tears.  I reached into my purse and pulled out of one of the pockets everything I had ever used to hurt myself.  One by one, I threw them into the water.  And this time, it was symbolic.

“Do you see all these?” I said through tears, showing him my wrists and forearms.  He nodded.  “These are the wounds you mended.  Thank you.  I love you, too.”  Before I could say anything else, Scott’s lips were on mine in a passionate kiss.  We smiled and we laughed.  Scott wiped away my tears as we sailed back to shore. 

Unfortunately, this is the end.  BUT I am working on a sequal and if you want me to post it, let me know!  Thanks for reading!     <3 basilxjay

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