Chapter 11.

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[not edited]



After explaining every single detail about my father's letter and the marriage contract to Kathryne, I patiently waited for her to speak up. I purposely left out the information about dad's will because it basically doesn't concern her.

She is not the only one who is forced to do this even if I'm the one blackmailing her, I will not let all those properties and billions slip away easily from my grasp. If marrying her is the only way to secure my inheritance, so be it!. 

She sat there looking at me with shock, anger and sadness written all over her face. I sighed and took a long sip of my long forgotten coffee. Scrunching my face with disgust, I had no other option but to swallow the cold tasteless coffee. Pushing the cup away from my reach, I glanced back at Kathryne who was still deep in her thoughts. I really don't have time nor patience left for this!.

"So are you going to sign the damn contract or not Kathryne?!", I asked while glaring at her.

Finally snapping out of it, she looked back at me with dark, cold eyes.

"I asked you to give me a day's time Xavier! and the day is still not over. I can see that you're very impatient about it and I really don't know why but can you think about it from my perspective at least?!. You just can't drop a bomb like that at me and expect me to take it easily, this is my life too you're messing with for God's sake!", she sneered furiously.

I took a long calming breathe and rubbed my forehead. As much as I didn't like listening to her, I had to admit that she was right. Both our lives were getting messed up because of a stupid clause!. 

"Fine. Take your time but just keep in mind that I want that contract signed and sent to me before sunrise Kathryne.", with that said, I looked at her furious eyes one last time then walked out of the cafe with a satisfied smirk plastered across my face.


Ugh!, how I despise this man!. I was so sorely tempted to throttle his neck, it took me all my will power not to kill him right then and there. Is it okay for me to kill a rising billionaire playboy with a humongous ego?, I mean it will save a lot of heart breaks and save people's jobs.

"Oh God what am I thinking. I need to be sensible with this matter right now and do it with a calm mind.", I reasoned myself.  

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