At school everyone viewed Winston as cool. He played Rugby with the local school team. He was the star, scoring almost every point. In the halls guys would say hey and give him high fives. Girls would giggle and stare as he walked by. Winston was loved by all.

For Suzie that wasn't the case. Suzie was viewed as the weird girl, even smelly girl. To Suzie smelly didn't quite fit, for she had showered every morning and every night. Suzie didn't understand. Then again maybe her schoolmates just didn't understand her. That could be why she sat alone at lunch eating the peanut butter sandwich her mother had packed for her.

Every time in class when a partner project came up Suzie would be left to do it on her own. All but one time. One time Mr. Curby, the science teacher, made sure Suzie had a partner.

Winston Smith.

This project would involve out of class work time. This meant going to each other's houses or meeting up at the local in-town Library. For Suzie this meant being alone with the most liked boy in school. For Winston this meant getting to know what Secret Suzie was like.

Winston's friends were kind of excited for this. Some had wondered what made up the life of Secret Suzie. What kind of secrets did Suzie have? His friends set Winston out to figure everything out about Suzie. They wanted to know every little detail about her.

Suzie's Secret at the Tree - 2018 Wattys (complete)Where stories live. Discover now