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Every single day Suzie would leave at 5pm, and head towards the tree. Everytime she was greeted by the beautiful mystery of the butterflies inside the tree. One night Suzie felt a sadness cover her heart. What about Winston? Didn't he deserve to know? After all he was there that day that made her go back. Looking up towards his window at the end of her driveway, she decided she would let him decide that. If he watched her then he could choose to follow her if he would desire. Little did Suzie know he did watch her walk down the gravel road towards the river. Little did she know he followed her, but overcome by the illusion of fear to follow her into the tree.

That night Winston caught Suzie looking at his window as she stopped at the end of her driveway. She stood there for what seemed a long time. Looking away Suzie walked down the path like every night before. Finally, curiosity getting the best of him he followed her again. He told himself this would be the final time. The ground began to get softer under his feet as they neared the riverbed where the tree sat. Keeping a good distance, Winston watched as she approached the dead tree. Just before entering, she stopped and looked over her shoulder as if she knew Winston was there and telling him to follow. As Winston stood frozen to his spot Suzie continued and entered the tree once again. Taking a step from where he was hiding, Winston slowly descended towards the tree. The branches reached out as if welcoming him in. looking into the darkness he took a hesitant step. Digging up all the courage he had he completely stepped into the darkness. All the air was taken from Winston's lungs. "Beautiful, isn't it." Winston jumped at the sound of Suzie's voice ringing through the silence. He nodded as he looked up at the ceiling of the tree. It looked as if the galaxy had been placed there and was shining brightly. It was so beautiful. When Winston thought it couldn't get any better the 'stars' started to flutter and move, like the waves of the ocean. As they fluttered around their heads he noticed they were indeed butterflies. Beautiful glowing butterflies. So, this was Susie's secret. Suzie's secret at the tree.

Suzie's Secret at the Tree - 2018 Wattys (complete)Where stories live. Discover now