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Our weapons were laid on the beds and it looked like we were opening up a shop.

"God, now I know why you guys need the car." I said looking at the beds.

"What are you taking?" Sam asked.

"Just these." I said pulling out my two blades.

"That's it? There's an army of demons on this estate and you're only taking a few blades?" Sam asked.

"Well yeah. I have one, and then a backup. I mean a gun wouldn't really go with my outfit." I said gesturing to my fighting clothes, which were basically like workout clothes that could hide the blades.

"Yeah, they say guns add ten pounds Sam." Dean said has he packed a bag with the guns.

"God are you all ready yet?" Bobby asked has he threw his bag over his shoulder.

"Just as soon has these princesses get their shit together." I said, walking over towards the door.

"We are going up against an army of demons, it doesn't hurt to double check what we are bringing." Sam said.

"Bobby, I didn't realize you were traveling with a bunch of prissy boys." I said, leaning against the door frame.

"Dear god, yes we're ready." Dean said, swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Finally, did you double check and make sure your makeup was perfect?" I teased.

"I don't know if I can handle having two smart mouth's around here." Sam said, zipping his bag.

"Sammy Sweetheart, I think you'll be okay." I said.

"Hey, only I get to call him that. Sammy is family only." Dean said walking by me.

"Jesus, everyone just get in the car." Bobby said and shuffled everyone out of the motel room, then out to the Impala.

We piled into the Impala with Sam and Dean in the front, and Bobby and I in the back seat. We started driving through the town, and I noticed in the streets that no one was out.

"God, the town's dead. Where is everyone?" I asked.

"She's right, no one is out." Sam said, looking out into the street.

I felt my blood run cold, seeing the empty streets and knowing where the people went. "Demons needed bodies, I bet everyone is at the Williams Estate." I said.

"Son of a bitch." Dean said.

We went through the town, not seeing anybody through our ride, until we were passing the bar where Dean and I met, and the bartender ran out into the street.

"Shit!" Dean said and hit the brakes.

"Please help me!" The bartender said, standing in front of the car and I quickly hopped out.

"Hey calm down, what's your name?" I asked, hearing the guys all open their doors.

"It's Tim, my name's Tim Barro." He said, hyperventilating.

"Tell me what's going on." I said.

"I was about to close up the bar and these monsters came up and tried to get me. I know it sounds crazy but I swear it's true!" Tim said and continued to try and catch his breath.

"Tim look, I need you to calm down and go get to cover. Try to remember that you need salt the doors and windows, and try to keep something silver near by okay?" I said.

"What will that do?" He asked.

"Dude, do you really want us to sit here and explain everything to you?" Dean said.

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