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The world slowly started to reappear around me and I had to try and make sense of the pieces. I looked around and I quickly put together that I wasn't in Bobby's house anymore. Then I realized that this must be the same mansion has the last time that I saw Alana.

"Shit." I said has I flashed back to the demon holding the gun up to me and the last thing that that flowed through my mind was the sound of the gun going off.

"Relax sis, you're lucky it wasn't a real gun or you'd be extra screwed now." I heard and has the rest of the picture was put together around me I saw Rhea on the other edge of the room, handcuffed with her hands above her head and sitting in pentagram. Then I realized I was the same way.

"What the hell is that gun?" I asked, looking over Rhea and seeing that she was bloody head to toe.

"It's a little present from Alana, it just transports you where she wants you to go." Rhea said.

"Well isn't that fucking fantastic." I said has I tried to pull on the cuffs but they only rattled.

"Ada." Rhea called and I looked up to her.

"Remember what you promised me?" Rhea asked.

"I don't want to talk about you dying right now okay?" I said.

"Adeline, this is the most important time. They will be in any moment and they are going to go right for your children. Where is everyone else?" She asked.

"Probably looking for us." I said.

"So you don't have the gun with the bullets to take away Alana's immortality?" Rhea asked.

"Nope, but I have a bubbly personality and a don't quit attitude." I said sarcastically.

"Dammit Adeline. What the hell have you been doing while I was gone?" She asked angrily.

"Um, finding out I'm a badass?" I tried to say to make her less angry and her eye brows perked up.

"Really? You found your badass?" She asked.

"I did." I smiled back.

"You need that Ada, you'll need that when they come okay? You can't wait for someone to come save you, we aren't waiting for a knight in shining amour okay? Adeline, I need you to be alright. I need you to make it out of here. We haven't known each other long but I just need you to be okay." Rhea said.

"No, we aren't doing that good bye bullshit. You are going to be here and meet these babies. I need you here, you are going to be here Rhea." I said and then the door opened.

The brief second that the door opened, the light came through the rom and I got a good look of the crappy area we were being kept in. The room was dark, but not dark enough where I couldn't see the floor and Rhea, but still dark. There were symbols, tools, spell books, everything needed to torture us.

"Actually, she won't be. The speech was sweet though." Alana said has she walked through the door.

"You always know how to make a room brighter don't you?" I scoffed has I tried to sit up a little on the hard concrete floor.

"I really do, why don't you say that we let your little monsters out so they can see it to?" Alana says has she lifts her hand and she's holding a blade, actually my blade.

"Stay the hell away from her." Rhea said weakly, the abuse starting to take effect on her.

"Oh don't worry child, I'll be over there shortly." Alana said has she walked over to me and stood above me.

"Man, your bitchiness really shows from this angle. It suits you." I said, trying to keep my composure.

"I think you should just shut your mouth and focus on your breathing because you are going into labor." Alana said and touched my stomach, causing pain to immediately course through my body.

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