29. Good Karma

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He kissed her softly on the forehead after heaving the last box  into the truck that was to take them to the private airport. She looked at him and puckered her lips, asking for something more and he kindly obliged.

Moving day landed on a ferociously hot Wednesday. Although it was just the four of them hauling everything into the moving truck, it took less time than anticipated. So, after all the hard work was done, Hibiki offered Takashi a trip the ice cream shop just a few blocks away. Planning to spend the remaining time with her for that day, Takashi agreed without question. She wrapped her arm around his, informed her parents of their little field trip, and left with Takashi beside her.

"We really appreciate your help, Takashi," Hibiki said as they rounded a corner.

"No problem," he said, ruffling her hair with his free hand, smiling down at her. She wore the hair pins he'd gotten for her the day of the farmers market.

The two of them agreed not to be sad during Hibiki's last days in Japan. They wanted to enjoy each other as much as they could. So, not wanting to ruin their time together, they ignored the gasping hole feeling in their chests and marveled in each other's company.

The ice cream shop was full of people trying to escape the merciless wave of summer heat. The wait in line wasn't long; Hibiki ordered strawberry cheesecake ice cream while Takashi decided on a plain vanilla with rainbow sprinkles.

With the shop being too crowded, Takashi suggested going to a park instead, which Hibiki gladly obliged to. Hibiki led them to the nearest park, Tsundai Park, and together, they sat down on a park bench on the edge of a grassy field, watching dogs and children play, scream, and bark at each other.

"I'll write you," Takashi said softly. Hibiki looked at him, her eyes big and her mouth full with ice cream. "Every day." Takashi popped the tail piece of his ice cream cone in his mouth.

"I'll write you back," she said, blushing. "Every day." Takashi smiled, looking down at her. That was all they said about the move for the rest of the day. Neither of them wanted to bring it up - it didn't feel real. As if pretending that it wasn't happening would make it go away. But when they got back to Hibiki's house and saw the moving truck pulling off, reality sunk back in and the thought of their separation made both of them feel torn.

"Hanabi, do you have the spare key to the shop? Mrs. Yuuka is coming by to pick up the master," Daisuke said from the drivers side of the truck.

"I've got it," Hanabi said from the shops entrance.

"Mrs. Yuuka? You're selling the shop?" Hibiki said, walking up to her mother.

"We were going to, but the Yuuka's made us a nice deal," Hanabi explained. "They want to manage the shop while we're away and whenever we come home to visit, it'll be here waiting for us." Hibiki frowned a bit, but relaxed her face when Takashi draped his long arm over her shoulder and placed his hand on her head.

"I think it'll be fine," he said. Hibiki graced him with a soft smile that pulled a smirk onto his own lips. He bent down and kissed Hibiki softly on her forehead and, although he'd done it several times before, she blushed.

"Alright, kids. Let's make sure we aren't leaving anything," Daisuke said, motioning for everyone to head to the apartment above the shop.

"I'll stay and wait for Mrs. Yuuka," Hanabi insisted. Daisuke nodded and led Takashi and Hibiki upstairs. He pushed open the door to the open concept apartment and marveled in its emptiness. They all did. It looked newer somehow; foreign without all their things. The lot of them marveled at the house. It'd been Takashi's first time inside and, although he didn't say, he was impressed with the Sadeki's and how successful they were. Hibiki walked to his side and took his hand in hers, asking him to join her in one last walkthrough. He obliged, kissing her softly on the forehead.

She took his hand and they veered to the left, into a dark hallway Hibiki's room was at the end of the hall, behind a door with notches etched into the frame with her various height changes. She opened the door for him and they stepped inside.

The room was spacious. Takashi imagined Hibiki in a queen sized bed just under the window on the far wall, a book from the bookshelf in her hands, her eyes scanning the pages against the soft glow of a desk lamp. He imagined her at a desk in the corner, engaged in her studies. He imagined her at the spacious closet on the right wall, her eyes searching for the right thing to wear for their picnic a few weeks prior. She walked over to the window sill and looked out. He stepped behind her and was taken aback by the view before them. There was a bustling city outside. The soft mumble of the people walking the streets, trees lining the roads. He understood why she didn't want to leave.

"It all feels so weird," she said. He looked to her, tears pooling in her gleaming lilac colored eyes. "All this, all I've ever known..." She trailed off, choking on the sobs that threatened her. He pulled her into him and stroked her hair. She didn't make a noise when she cried, she looked up to him, the tears that'd polled poured in waves down her cheeks. "I love this place. More than anyone would know," she whispered. "And the best thing about it, Takashi," she paused and he fought back the burning feeling in his nose, trying to be strong for her sake. "Is that it gave me you."

"Hibiki, I-" he stopped when there was a knock on the door. Hibiki turned to look at her father, who'd stepped into the room. His eyes were puffy, but he smiled through his obvious pain. Hibiki slipped from Takashi to embrace her father, who'd wrapped his daughter lovingly in his arms. He kissed her forehead and pushed her hair down.

"Your mother wants to see you," he said. Hibiki stepped out of her father's embrace and offered him a soft, "okay" before starting out of the room. Daisuke adjusted himself to face Takashi. Takashi sat up straight, catching the hard look in Daisuke's eyes.

"Morinozuka," he said lowly. Takashi nodded and hummed, completely attentive. "I respect you," Daisuke said. Takashi almost frowned, not knowing in what direction the conversation would go. "You make my daughter happy. And from what I've observed, you're not some high school asshole, looking for a quick fix. My daughter has developed so much because you and that strange little host club you're a part of. And I'm grateful for that. Hibiki is a shy spirit, but she's bright and gentle. Not as fragile as before, but definitely still gentle." They both chuckled. "I'm having this conversation with you, Takashi because I want you to take care of her," Daisuke said, snapping the intensity back into their conversation. Takashi looked at him, a type of hope in his eyes that could have lit up the neighborhood.

"Take care of her?" he said. Daisuke nodded and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his black pants, shifting his feet, planting them firmly on the floor. Daisuke nodded, closed his eyes for a moment, then looked to Takashi and grinned, just hardly enough for him to notice.

"Take care of my darling Hibiki."

shoutout to my brilliant follower Otaku-chan007 for the idea of giving Takashi & Daisuke a moment. it wasn't as long as intended, but i didn't want to drag out the end of the story.

also! i was thinking about doing an alternate version of the story where Hibiki doesn't stay in Tokyo just to see how that would turn out, but i'm not sure about that yet. i hope you enjoyed. the next chapter might be the last. if not the last, then the second to last for sure. thank you for all of the support! i appreciate you all & nothing goes unnoticed, i promise. so keep voting & commenting! the feedback is motivating.

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