[ ☁️ ] ғɪʀᴇᴅ

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[ ☁️ ] FIRED

a week has already passed and yona's squad became friends with ara's squad.
and together they formed,

thicc squad

not just that but they got more than 69 plans on attacking the thief squad.

so, when they were about to attack the thief squad, while sneaking, going there, they caught shrek fire suga.

"you can't fire me! i infires you i jjang jjang men bbong bbong u!!" he pleaded.

"YOU ARE FIRED!!" shrek screamed as his wife, trump bangz kaboomz the wall in front of suga.

"fine bitch, bulatorene!" suga spat.

and that was when we joined him in the thicc squad.

// sugary drugsWhere stories live. Discover now