our love edged into my skin

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>>Lance's birthday my dudes! I think the title is a pretty good clue for what's gonna happen this chapter...<<

July 28, you turned eighteen. I didn't speak to you all day, family was visiting and I knew you wanted to spend your day with them. So I stayed home. Didn't feel like going swimming without you. It was a boring, uneventful day. It made me realize how much I enjoyed your company. How much I appreciated it. How much I missed you, even after one day.

I already lay in bed when you appeared on my balcony. Your eyes shone with the joy of breaking rules. A smile unwillingly grazed my lips as I let you in. The stars were beautiful that night.

"What are you doing here?" I had asked.

"I came to get you."

"What for?"

Your eyes shone with mischief. "Do you trust me?"

I thought that was a stupid question. Of course I trusted you. So I nodded.

Your smile got impossibly wider. "Then follow me."

And you grabbed my hand and opened the door again, leading me out onto my balcony. We slowly and carefully lowered ourselves off the railing until we only had to drop the last feet. I followed you into your truck and you started the engine. We were praying it wouldn't wake my dad. But it didn't so we drove away, laughing into the night's air.

Everything feels lighter at night, like the worries of the day can't reach you when the moon is high above, protecting you. You already made me feel like this, so I was positive it wouldn't be a good idea to go out at night with you. But those worries seemed so small in comparison to the fluttering feeling in my chest every time you looked at me.

You drove us away from my house into the small city we lived in. There weren't much stores, and even less were open at this time at night. But we found what you were looking for. The tattoo parlor. The lit up sign above the entrance read 'Shiro Tattoos'. White Tattoos? And underneath it 'Walk-Ins Welcome! ALL day!'

"What are we doing here?" I had asked.

"What do you think?"

"Are you getting a tattoo?"

"No. We are getting a tattoo." And you stepped out of the car, leaving me confused.

You stopped in front of the door and looked back at the car. I hurried to your side and slipped my hand in yours. You pushed the door open with a small smile around your lips.

The black and white floor was clean and it still smelled like some lemon detergent. The LED lights burned into my eyes. Two big, red chairs sat at the end of the room. They were empty. The walls were covered in pictures of different body parts covered in ink. I had to admit they looked pretty. I looked at the tattoos as a man appeared from a back door and started talking to you.

"We want matching tattoos," you said.

The man had scanned us quickly. Now I got why it was called Shiro Tattoos, the man had a white tuft in his black hair. "How old are you?"

"Eighteen." You flashed your ID proudly.

The man raised an eyebrow and was silent for a moment. "Okay, then."

You smiled like you had won the lottery.

"What do you guys want?"

I stood next to you and you intertwined our fingers. I blushed. We had never done something like that in front of other people. Always kept for our own eyes.

A smile appeared on the parlor's face. "Anniversary?"

I blushed. Which was weird. Why blush about someone assuming we were dating when we clearly acted like it, and it was all I wanted? But you nodded, not bothering correcting the man. Or maybe you really felt like we were dating.

"What do you guys want?"

Apparently you had thought about this more than I had, because you drew a paper from your pocket. It was a drawing of the globe. It was more like a circle with a few dots that resembled stars around it, but I knew it was the globe. And inside the globe you had drawn a heart. And inside the heart stood a letter. It was a mix of K and L, resulting in a K with a small line connecting the back and downwards pointing line. Forming a small triangle. I loved it. You smiled down at me and squeezed my hand as the big man inspected your design.

"Alright. Who first?"

I went first. You held my hand. I grit my teeth and didn't let out a sound as the man drew into my skin with his machine. And ten minutes later, I was the proud owner of my first tattoo. It was edged into the soft skin on my hips. Your favorite part of me, you said. And you got yours under your left ear, because I loved to press my lips to that spot.

You did let out a whimper when the tattoo pen touched your skin. Something I'd tease you for the rest of our time together. And you squeezed my hand so hard I was afraid you'd break my bones. I would've let you.

When we were done the kind man told us how to treat the sensitive skin and gave us folders with all the information. He congratulated us on our anniversary with a kind smile and gave us a 10% discount. We thanked him and exited the parlor with big smiles on our face.

If someone would've told me I'd have a tattoo by the end of that day I wouldn't have believed them. I wasn't one to make rash decisions. I just didn't do stuff like that. But I was glad I had done this. I loved you and I wanted everyone to know we belonged together. Even though we never showed our tattoos to others. At least we didn't flaunt them.

We drove back to my house and you stayed the night. Dressed in an old pair of sweatpants of mine - they only barely covered your calves - and shirtless because none of my shirts fit you. You teased me about being tiny again. But I couldn't have wiped the smile off my face if I had tried. We climbed into my small bed, forced to spoon. Not that we minded of course. Your hands automatically found their way to my hips. Where the tattoo was now edged into my skin. You ghosted your fingers over the gauze the man had applied.

We spend the night pressed together and breathing in sync. I didn't fall asleep until the sun was already rising. Had been up all night memorizing the way your body fit against mine. How nice your chest felt and how good our knees slotted together.

Now I'm glad I did that.

>>Yo I've been reading Voltron season 6 teasers and so many people had to cry?? I'm this weird mix of hyped and scared for the lives of my children. I guess we'll see in two days. Here's the link to the teasers if you're interested  https://www.hypable.com/voltron-legendary-defender-season-6-review/ <<

We Fell In Love Over Summer - KLANCETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang