26. I have to go

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Think how ever much Arjun was not able to understand what he did wrong. He was analysing things over again and again and again and then again some more. Finally it was decided. He can never understand girls. If he need to know then he would have to ask Radhika straight forward. Girls!!! They really are weird sometimes.... okay, most of the times.

Thinking this he got out of his room at around 1am at night only to come face to face with Radhika. Radhika, who was returning to her room, which is beside Arjun's, from Manya's room got startled seeing him there unexpectedly.

She was about to smile and then remembered she is supposed to be angry at him. She just coughed to cover up her happy face. Arjun on seeing her coughing got worried and comes towards her.

Arjun, "what happened? Why are you coughing so much? Are you OK? You have fever? Do you... "

Before he could continue his 1000 questions, Radhika turned around and walked away. Arjun was now fed up.

What in God's green planet is wrong with this girl?! 

The next morning, all six of them set out for their work, Manya and Ayaan merely tagging along since they have no part in the meeting. They had their trip all planned out; after the meeting they will drive to mahabaleshwar to visit a farm and factory of their client. The client was offering them a two days stay at a resort to better experience the location, since they wished to keep the shoot in Mahabaleshwar. They will roam around in these two days and make a fun trip out of it. 

But each member of this fun trip had a different plan.

Radhika was plotting her evil plan against Arjun as well as the mission to get her two dumb bestfriends together. As for her BFFs, the situation was under control, each detail planned out perfectly. But the plan to make Arjun beg her was still in the indecisive stage. Sometimes she visioned Arjun on his knees begging her while other time making Arjun run around doing little errands for her. But one thing was sure, Arjun is going to have a hard time!

As for Arjun, he felt like his head will blow off thinking about the situation. He was so desperate that he was willing to kneel down willingly and let Radhika kill him. It was better than this slow death anyway.

Neil was about to blow his head in anger. On one hand, this Ayaan was getting on his nerves. Ayaan have been talking to Sam continuously without even a single break from the morning. And to make things worse, Manya have been irritating with her baby voices. He wished the baby voices were of another Khanna girl.

Sam was on the way of getting a migraine from all the talk Ayaan was having. She cannot remember Ayaan being this annoying in their childhood. But to say she was not paying attention to Ayaan was an understatement since both her ears were focused on the idiot, her idiot, being insufferably lovey-dovey with her sister. But she was not able to understand why this bothered her so much. He can talk to anyone he wants, it shouldn't matter to her.... but it did.

They reached Mahabaleshwar by noon and stopped at the resort. That entire day passed with finalising the location and visiting the factory and farm. They decided to meet at the campfire site of the resort at night to have barbeque. The campfire site was subtly luxurious with a wood for the campfire prepared at the middle of the area. Surrounding the campfire there was small canopies and tents with cushion, pillows and blankets. The fairy lights artistically draped around the place was giving it a warm and comfy glow.

Radhika was in awe. This was like a dream location to spend with your loved one. She turned to Arjun and saw him busy with his phone, a cute frown of concentration on his face. Looking at him she knew she cannot keep up this angry facade much more. she wanted to bask in the comfort of this place cocooned in his arms. As if he felt her staring at him, Arjun turned to her only to see her staring at him with a lost expression on her pretty face. He promised to himself that before that night was over he will make everything right with her, eventhough he have no idea what he did in the first place. 

Both of them were startled out of their thoughts when the other four came in, Manya and Ayaan were bickering with each other over what game to play. They finally decided on charades as they all took seats around the fire. The teams were decided by Manya. Manya with Neil, Sam with Ayaan and Radhika with Arjun. Two among them were not at all happy with the team division as visible from their frowns.

The game began and Manya and Ayaan gave very provocative words to enact to Sam and Neil, which added oil to the jealous fire in both of them. The plan was going well on that part. It was evident to Manya and Ayaan that soon their efforts will reap fruit. They gave smug little smiles over this fact to each other.

But the master mind of this whole plan was lost in dark brown eyes. Arjun and Radhika were staring at each other without saying anything. He was pleading with his eyes to her while she was very tempted to give in. He caught hold of her hand under the blanket they had wrapped over them and Radhika didn't withdrew her hand. Arjun relished over the small victory he had.

By the next hour, everyone eventually got tired and called it a day. While the others were going, Arjun texted to Radhika to stay back. She made up her mind that she will give him a chance and talk to him heart to heart. They both stayed back and for few minutes, neither of them uttered a word. Radhika gathered the courage to open up and took in a huge amount of air and exhaled before opening her mind. Just as she was about to speak, Arjuns phone rang. He looked down at the caller ID irritated and cut the call. But immediately after it rang again. He gave an apolegetic look to Radhika before taking the call. 

After few moments of talking in hushed voice, Arjun came back to where Radhika was standing and she somehow knew she have lost him. His face had no expression and he didnt quite meet her eyes as he muttered a sorry while saying, "I have to go." In a whirlwind, he was gone, leaving Radhika behind in utter confusion and hurt. Hurt because she have seen the caller ID of that phone call.

It was Bonnie!  

Hello Fam!!! I am back, eventhough a lot later than promised. Enjoy the chapter and just wanted to say that I have decided to take my writing career seriously so as a part of that I am linking my social media accounts link to my profile. 

INSTAGRAM: the_poojavijay

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